List Of Kings In The Bible In Order

Welcome to our journey through the Bible, where we’re going to talk about the kings mentioned in this holy book. The Bible is not just a religious text; it’s also a rich source of history and stories about leaders and their kingdoms. In this series of articles, we’re going to focus on the kings of the Bible, starting from the very beginning and moving all the way through to the end. We’ll learn about who these kings were, what they did, and why they are important.

The Bible talks about many kings, but it doesn’t just tell us what they did as leaders. It also shows us how their actions were seen in the eyes of God. This is interesting because it’s not just about battles and power. It’s also about faith, making good choices, and sometimes making mistakes. We’ll see that being a king in the Bible was about more than just ruling a kingdom. It was about leading people in their faith and making decisions that would please God.

Our journey will start with the first three kings of Israel: Saul, David, and Solomon. These three kings ruled over a united kingdom before it split into two parts. We’ll learn about how Saul became king, David’s famous battle with Goliath and his rule over Israel, and Solomon’s wisdom and how he built a magnificent temple.

But the story doesn’t end there. After Solomon, the kingdom splits into two: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Each of these kingdoms had its own line of kings, and we’ll talk about them too. Some of these kings were good, following God’s ways, but many were not, leading their people away from God.

Through these stories, we’ll see a pattern. When kings and their people followed God, things went well. But when they turned away from Him, they faced difficulties and even defeat. It’s a powerful lesson about the importance of faith and obedience.

So, get ready to explore the lives of these ancient leaders. We’ll dive into battles, miracles, wisdom, and mistakes. We’ll see how faith played a crucial role in the history of these kings and their people. And we’ll discover how these ancient stories still have lessons for us today. Let’s begin our journey through the list of kings in the Bible, in order.

List Of Kings In The Bible In Order

Here is a table containing the kings of Israel and Judah in the order they appear in the Bible:

Kings of Israel and Judah

Saul1020-1000 BCEFirst King of Israel, son of Kish
Ish-Bosheth1000-999 BCEKing of Israel, son of Saul
David1000-962 BCEKing of Judah, later of Israel, son of Jesse
Solomon962-922 BCEKing of Israel and Judah, son of David
Rehoboam922-911 BCEKing of Judah, son of Solomon
Abijah (Abijam)911-908 BCEKing of Judah, son of Rehoboam
Asa908-867 BCEKing of Judah, son of Abijah
Jehoshaphat867-846 BCEKing of Judah, son of Asa
Jehoram846-841 BCEKing of Judah, son of Jehoshaphat
Ahaziah841-840 BCEKing of Judah, son of Jehoram
Athaliah840-835 BCEQueen of Judah, daughter of Ahab
Joash835-796 BCEKing of Judah, son of Ahaziah
Amaziah796-767 BCEKing of Judah, son of Joash
Uzziah (Azariah)767-740 BCEKing of Judah, son of Amaziah
Jotham740-732 BCEKing of Judah, son of Uzziah
Ahaz732-716 BCEKing of Judah, son of Jotham
Hezekiah716-687 BCEKing of Judah, son of Ahaz
Manasseh687-642 BCEKing of Judah, son of Hezekiah
Amon642-640 BCEKing of Judah, son of Manasseh
Josiah640-609 BCEKing of Judah, son of Amon
Jehoahaz609 BCEKing of Judah, son of Josiah
Jehoiakim609-598 BCEKing of Judah, son of Josiah
Jehoiachin598-597 BCEKing of Judah, son of Jehoiakim
Zedekiah597-586 BCEKing of Judah, son of Josiah
List Of Kings In The Bible In Order

Kings of Israel

Jeroboam I931-910 BCELed secession of Israel
Nadab910-909 BCEKing of Israel, son of Jeroboam I
Baasha909-886 BCEOverthrew Nadab
Elah886-885 BCEKing of Israel, son of Baasha
Zimri885 BCEOverthrew Elah
Omri885-874 BCEOverthrew Zimri
Ahab874-853 BCEKing of Israel, son of Omri
Ahaziah853-852 BCEKing of Israel, son of Ahab
Jehoram852-841 BCEKing of Israel, son of Ahab
Jehu841-814 BCEOverthrew Jehoram
Jehoahaz814-798 BCEKing of Israel, son of Jehu
Jehoash798-782 BCEKing of Israel, son of Jehoahaz
Jeroboam II782-753 BCEKing of Israel, son of Jehoash
Zechariah753 BCEKing of Israel, son of Jeroboam II
Shallum753 BCEOverthrew Zechariah
Menahem753-742 BCEOverthrew Shallum
Pekahiah742-740 BCEKing of Israel, son of Menahem
Pekah740-732 BCEOverthrew Pekahiah
Hoshea732-722 BCEOverthrew Pekah
List Of Kings In The Bible In Order


List Of Kings In The Bible In Order


  • 1020 BCE: Saul becomes the first king of Israel.
  • 1000 BCE: David becomes king of Judah.
  • 1000 BCE: David becomes king of Israel.
  • 962 BCE: Solomon becomes king of Israel and Judah.
  • 922 BCE: The kingdom of Israel and Judah divides.
  • 931 BCE: The division of the kingdom is confirmed.
  • 853 BCE: The Battle of Qarqar takes place.
  • 722 BCE: The kingdom of Israel falls to the Assyrians.
  • 586 BCE: The kingdom of Judah falls to the Babylonians.
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The First Kings: Saul, David, and Solomon – The United Monarchy

The story of the first kings of Israel is like a big adventure that tells us about the beginning of a kingdom. This kingdom was not just any kingdom, but a united one where all the tribes of Israel came together under one ruler. Let’s dive into the stories of Saul, David, and Solomon, who were the first three kings.

Saul: The First King

Saul was the very first king of Israel. Before Saul, Israel did not have a king because they were ruled by judges, who were leaders chosen by God to guide the people. But the people of Israel wanted to be like other nations that had kings. So, God listened to their request and chose Saul to be their king.

  1. Saul’s Selection: Saul was chosen by the prophet Samuel. He was from the tribe of Benjamin and was known for being very tall and handsome.
  2. Saul’s Reign: Saul started as a good king. He fought many battles and won them. But as time went by, Saul stopped listening to God and started making his own decisions, which were not always good.
  3. Saul’s Downfall: Saul’s biggest mistake was not following God’s instructions during a battle. Because of this, God decided that Saul would not be king anymore. Saul became very jealous of David, who was chosen by God to be the next king. This jealousy led to Saul’s downfall.

David: The Shepherd King

David is one of the most famous kings in the Bible. He started as a young shepherd boy and became a great king.

  1. David’s Early Life: David was the youngest son of Jesse. He was known for his bravery when he defeated Goliath, a giant warrior, with just a sling and a stone.
  2. David’s Reign: After Saul, David became the king. He is known as a man after God’s own heart because he always tried to do what was right in God’s eyes. David made Jerusalem the capital of Israel and brought the Ark of the Covenant there.
  3. David’s Achievements and Challenges: David had many victories in battles, but he also faced personal challenges, including problems within his own family. Despite his mistakes, David always turned back to God.

Solomon: The Wise King

Solomon was the son of David and Bathsheba. He is known for his wisdom and for building the Temple in Jerusalem.

  1. Solomon’s Wisdom: Solomon asked God for wisdom to lead Israel wisely. God was pleased with this request and granted it. Solomon became known for his wise judgments.
  2. Building the Temple: One of Solomon’s greatest achievements was building a beautiful temple for God in Jerusalem. This temple became the center of worship for the Israelites.
  3. Solomon’s Wealth and Works: Solomon was also known for his wealth and for making Israel a prosperous nation. However, like his father David, Solomon made mistakes. He married many foreign wives who led him to worship other gods.

Lessons from the First Kings

The stories of Saul, David, and Solomon teach us important lessons about leadership, faith, and the consequences of our choices. Each king had his strengths and weaknesses, but their stories show us the importance of following God and making wise decisions.

  • Saul teaches us about the importance of obedience to God.
  • David shows us that even when we make mistakes, we can turn back to God.
  • Solomon’s story reminds us that wisdom is a precious gift from God, but we must be careful not to let success lead us away from Him.

These three kings laid the foundation for the kingdom of Israel. Their stories are filled with battles, wisdom, and lessons that are still relevant today.

The Kingdom Splits: Kings of Israel and Judah

After the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon, the kingdom of Israel did not stay united. It split into two different kingdoms because of disagreements and conflicts. The northern part was called Israel, and the southern part was called Judah. Each of these kingdoms had its own kings and faced different challenges.

Why Did the Kingdom Split?

The split happened after the death of King Solomon. Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, became the king of Israel, but he made some poor decisions that upset the people.

  1. Harsh Policies: Rehoboam decided to follow harsh policies and increase the workload on the people, which made them unhappy.
  2. Rebellion: Led by Jeroboam, who was one of Solomon’s officials, the northern tribes decided to break away and form their own kingdom.
  3. Division: This led to the division of the kingdom into Israel in the north and Judah in the south around 930 BC.

Kings of Israel

The northern kingdom, Israel, had several kings, but unfortunately, many of them did not follow God’s ways.

  • Jeroboam: He was the first king of Israel. He made two golden calves for the people to worship, leading them away from worshiping God.
  • Ahab: Another notable king of Israel, known for his marriage to Jezebel and promoting the worship of Baal, which was against God’s commandments.
  • Impact of Bad Leadership: Many kings of Israel followed the bad examples set by Jeroboam and Ahab, which eventually led to the downfall of Israel.

Kings of Judah

The southern kingdom, Judah, had some kings who tried to lead the people back to God.

  • Asa: He was one of the good kings who removed idols from the land and commanded Judah to seek God.
  • Jehoshaphat: He followed in the footsteps of Asa, working to bring the people back to worshiping God.
  • Hezekiah: Known for his faithfulness, Hezekiah restored the Temple and reformed religious practices in Judah.
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Key Events and Prophets During This Period

Both kingdoms had prophets who tried to guide the kings and the people. These prophets played a crucial role in trying to keep the kingdoms on the right path.

  • Elijah and Elisha in Israel: They performed miracles and challenged the kings who were leading Israel away from God.
  • Isaiah and Jeremiah in Judah: They warned the people about the consequences of their sins and urged them to return to God.

The story of the split kingdoms of Israel and Judah teaches us about the importance of good leadership and the consequences of turning away from God. It shows how the choices of a few can affect many and highlights the role of prophets in guiding and warning the people. This period in biblical history is filled with lessons about faith, leadership, and the importance of following God’s ways.

Notable Kings of Israel: Ahab, Jeroboam, and More

After the kingdom of Israel split from Judah, it had its own kings. Some of these kings made big mistakes and led the people away from God. Let’s talk about a few of these kings and what happened during their time.

Jeroboam: The Kingdom’s First Leader

Jeroboam was the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel. He had a big job, but he made a big mistake early on.

  • Golden Calves: To keep his people from going back to Jerusalem in Judah to worship, Jeroboam made two golden calves for them to worship. This was against God’s rules.
  • Impact: This decision started Israel on a path away from God, and many kings after Jeroboam followed his bad example.

Ahab: A King Led Astray

Ahab is known as one of the most famous kings of Israel, but not for good reasons. He and his wife, Jezebel, made many bad choices.

  • Worship of Baal: Ahab married Jezebel, who worshiped Baal, a false god. Together, they encouraged the people of Israel to worship Baal too.
  • Elijah’s Challenge: Ahab’s actions led to a big showdown between the prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. Elijah showed that God is the true God.

Other Kings of Israel

Many other kings ruled over Israel, and most of them did not follow God. Here are a couple more examples:

  • Nadab: Jeroboam’s son, who continued in his father’s ways and did evil in the eyes of the Lord.
  • Omri and Ahab’s Family: Omri, Ahab’s father, built the city of Samaria. Ahab’s family continued to lead Israel away from God.

The Impact of Bad Leadership

The choices of these kings had a big impact on Israel.

  • Turning Away from God: The kings led the people to worship false gods, which went against everything God had taught them.
  • Prophets’ Warnings: God sent prophets like Elijah and Elisha to try and bring the people back to Him, but often, the kings and the people did not listen.

Lessons from Israel’s Kings

The stories of these kings teach us important lessons about leadership and faith.

  • The Importance of Good Choices: Leaders have a big influence on the people they lead. Making good choices is very important.
  • Listening to Wise Counsel: Many of these kings could have avoided trouble if they had listened to the prophets, who were like wise advisors sent by God.

The history of the kings of Israel is a reminder of what can happen when people turn away from God and the importance of listening to wise advice.

Prominent Kings of Judah: Hezekiah, Josiah, and Others

While the northern kingdom of Israel often struggled with kings who led the people away from God, the southern kingdom of Judah had some kings who tried to bring their people back to God. Let’s look at a few of these good kings and what they did.

Hezekiah: The Faithful King

Hezekiah was one of Judah’s most faithful kings. He is known for his strong trust in God and his efforts to purify the worship practices in Judah.

  • Temple Restoration: Hezekiah reopened and repaired the Temple in Jerusalem, which had been neglected. He invited the people to come back to worship God properly.
  • Passover Celebration: He organized a huge Passover celebration, the first of its kind in a long time, to renew the covenant between the people and God.
  • Protection Against Assyria: When the powerful Assyrian army threatened Judah, Hezekiah prayed to God for help, and Jerusalem was miraculously saved.

Josiah: The Young Reformer

Josiah became king of Judah when he was only eight years old, but he grew up to be one of the greatest reformers in Judah’s history.

  • Discovery of the Law: During repairs to the Temple, a book of the Law was found. When Josiah heard the words of the Law, he tore his clothes in distress because he realized how far Judah had strayed from God’s commands.
  • National Reforms: Josiah used this discovery as a call to action. He led a major effort to remove all idols and pagan altars from Judah. He restored the proper worship of God according to the Law.
  • Passover Renewal: Like Hezekiah, Josiah also celebrated a significant Passover, which brought the people together in worship and commitment to God.
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Other Notable Kings of Judah

Several other kings of Judah also made efforts to lead their people in the ways of God, though not all were as successful or as devout as Hezekiah and Josiah.

  • Asa: He was known for his early reforms to rid Judah of idolatry and for his reliance on God during conflicts with surrounding nations.
  • Jehoshaphat: He focused on judicial reforms, setting up courts to handle disputes fairly under the laws of God.

The Impact of Good Leadership

The leadership of these kings had a profound impact on Judah:

  • Spiritual Revival: Under kings like Hezekiah and Josiah, Judah experienced periods of spiritual revival and a return to the worship of God.
  • Preservation of Jerusalem: Their efforts, especially in times of crisis, helped preserve Jerusalem from destruction during their reigns.

Lessons from Judah’s Kings

The stories of Judah’s kings offer valuable lessons about the importance of good leadership and faithfulness to God.

  • The Power of Good Choices: These kings show how positive changes can lead to spiritual renewal and national strength.
  • The Importance of Godly Leadership: Their stories emphasize the role of leaders in guiding their people according to God’s will.

The history of Judah’s kings teaches us about the impact of leadership that is committed to following God’s ways and the lasting effects it can have on a nation.

The Last Kings and the Babylonian Exile

After many years, the story of the kings of Judah comes to a sad end. The last kings of Judah faced big challenges and made choices that led to the downfall of their kingdom. This period ended with the Babylonian exile, a time when many people from Judah were taken away from their homes.

The Last Kings of Judah

The last kings of Judah struggled to keep their kingdom safe and to follow God. Here are a few of them:

  • Jehoiakim: He was put on the throne by Egypt and later had to serve the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar. Jehoiakim tried to rebel against Babylon, which led to trouble for Judah.
  • Jehoiachin: Jehoiakim’s son, who ruled for a very short time before Nebuchadnezzar took him and many others to Babylon.
  • Zedekiah: The last king of Judah, appointed by Nebuchadnezzar. He also tried to rebel against Babylon. This led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.

The Events Leading to the Babylonian Exile

The Babylonian exile didn’t happen all at once. It was the result of years of choices and events.

  1. Rebellion Against Babylon: Both Jehoiakim and Zedekiah tried to rebel against Babylon, which was a powerful empire. This was a risky move.
  2. Siege of Jerusalem: In response to the rebellion, Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem. This means his army surrounded the city, so no one could get in or out.
  3. Destruction and Exile: The Babylonians broke through the city walls, destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, and took many people back to Babylon as captives.

The Role of Prophets During This Time

During these tough times, God sent prophets to warn the kings and the people.

  • Jeremiah: He warned that the city would be destroyed if the people didn’t change their ways. He also told them that the exile would last 70 years.
  • Ezekiel: He was among those taken to Babylon. From there, he shared visions and messages from God with the other exiles.

The Impact of the Exile

The Babylonian exile had a big impact on the Jewish people.

  • Loss of Homeland: Being taken from their home was very hard for the people of Judah.
  • Preservation of Faith: Even in a foreign land, the Jewish people kept their faith. They learned to worship without a temple, which helped keep their religion alive.

Lessons from the Exile

The Babylonian exile teaches us important lessons about consequences and hope.

  • Consequences of Choices: The exile shows what can happen when people and their leaders make bad choices.
  • Hope in Hard Times: The prophets’ messages also gave the people hope that they would one day return to their homeland.

The story of the last kings and the Babylonian exile is a sad chapter in the Bible. But it’s also a story about how even in the hardest times, people can keep their faith and hope for a better future.

Kings in the Bible: Lessons and Themes

The stories of the kings in the Bible are not just historical accounts; they are rich with lessons and themes that can teach us a lot about life, leadership, and faith. Let’s explore some of the major lessons and themes that emerge from these stories.

Moral and Spiritual Lessons

The lives of the kings offer many lessons about how to live and lead. Here are some key lessons:

  1. The Importance of Obedience to God: Many kings failed because they did not follow God’s commands. Kings like Saul and many of the kings of Israel show us the consequences of disobedience.
  2. The Power of Good Leadership: Kings like David and Josiah demonstrate the positive impact a good leader can have on their people and their nation.
  3. The Need for Humility: Even the best kings made mistakes. David’s story teaches us that no one is perfect, but humility and repentance can restore our relationship with God.

Themes of Faith, Leadership, and Consequences

The biblical narratives of the kings are woven with recurring themes that resonate throughout their stories.

  • Faith: Faith is a central theme. Kings who had faith in God, like Hezekiah and Josiah, saw their people through difficult times.
  • Leadership: The quality of leadership directly affected the kingdom’s fate. Good leaders brought prosperity and peace, while poor leaders often led to suffering and downfall.
  • Consequences: The stories of the kings are full of examples of actions and their consequences. This theme teaches us that our choices have impacts, sometimes reaching far beyond our own lives.

Relevance to Modern Readers

The stories of these kings are not just ancient history; they have messages that are still relevant today.

  • Lessons in Personal Responsibility: These stories teach us about taking responsibility for our actions and their effects on others.
  • Insights into Governance: They provide insights into how leadership and governance can affect a society.
  • Spiritual Insights: On a spiritual level, they remind us of the importance of staying true to one’s faith and values in the face of challenges.

The kings of the Bible teach us about more than just the history of ancient Israel and Judah. They offer timeless lessons on leadership, the importance of faith, and the consequences of our choices. These stories encourage us to reflect on our own lives and the impact we have on others. They challenge us to lead wisely, live faithfully, and act with humility.


As we come to the end of our journey through the stories of the kings in the Bible, it’s time to reflect on what we’ve learned and how these ancient tales still speak to us today. The lives of these kings, filled with triumphs and failures, offer us valuable lessons on leadership, faith, and the consequences of our choices.

As we conclude, I encourage you to delve deeper into the stories of the kings in the Bible. There is so much more to learn from their lives and reigns. By studying these stories, we can gain insights into leadership, the importance of making wise choices, and the power of faith. These ancient tales have enduring lessons that can guide us in our lives today

The kings of the Bible, with all their flaws and virtues, remind us that history is not just a series of events but a collection of human stories. These stories, filled with lessons on leadership, faith, and consequences, continue

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