Books of the Bible in Chronological Order

Have you ever heard someone talk about the “chronological order” of the Bible books? It might sound like a big phrase, but it’s actually not too hard to understand. When we say “chronological order,” we just mean putting things in the order they happened or were written.

It’s kind of like if you had a bunch of pictures from a trip you took. You might want to put them in order from the first day to the last day. That way, when you look at them, you can see the story of your trip from start to finish.

The Bible is sort of like that. It has a lot of different books in it, and they weren’t all written at the same time. Some were written way before others. But in most Bibles, the books aren’t in the order they were written. They’re grouped together by the type of book they are, like history books or poetry books.

Knowing the chronological order of the Bible books can be really helpful. It can help us understand how the story of God and his people fits together. We can see how God worked in the world over time, and how each part of the Bible connects to the others.

The Very First Books in Chronological Order

Genesis: The Beginning of Everything

  • Genesis is the very first book in the Bible. It tells us about how God made the world and everything in it.
  • It also tells the story of the first people, Adam and Eve, and how they disobeyed God. This is why we have sin in the world today.
  • Genesis has a lot of other important stories too, like Noah and the big flood, and Abraham, who God made a special promise to.

Job: A Story of a Good Man

  • The book of Job might have been written around the same time as Genesis. It’s a bit different from other Bible books because it’s mostly one big story.
  • It’s about a man named Job who loved God. Even when a lot of bad things happened to him, he still trusted God.
  • Job’s story teaches us that sometimes bad things happen to good people, but God is always in control.

Exodus: God Saves His People

  • After Genesis, the next book in chronological order is Exodus. It continues the story of God’s people.
  • In Exodus, God’s people (the Israelites) are slaves in Egypt. God uses a man named Moses to save them and lead them out of Egypt.
  • God also gives the people the Ten Commandments in Exodus. These are special rules to help them live in a way that pleases God.

The Next Chronological Bible Books

Leviticus: Rules for Living

  • Leviticus comes right after Exodus in the Bible’s chronological order. It has a lot of rules for God’s people to follow.
  • These rules are about things like what to eat, how to worship God, and how to treat other people.
  • They were given to help the people live in a way that pleased God and stayed close to him.
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Numbers: Counting the People

  • The book of Numbers is called that because it starts with God telling Moses to count all the people.
  • But it’s not just about numbers. It also tells about the people’s journey from Mount Sinai towards the land God promised them.
  • Along the way, the people complain and disobey God a lot. But God still takes care of them and helps them.

Deuteronomy: Remembering the Rules

  • Deuteronomy is the last book in the part of the Bible called the Torah or Pentateuch (which means “five books”).
  • In Deuteronomy, Moses gives the people a big speech before they go into the promised land. He reminds them about all the things God has done for them.
  • He also goes over the rules God gave them again. He wants to make sure they remember to obey God when they get to their new home.

Historical Books in Chronological Order

Joshua: Entering the Promised Land

  • After Moses died, God chose Joshua to lead the people into the land he had promised them.
  • The book of Joshua tells about how the people crossed the Jordan River and started to take over the land.
  • It also tells about some of the battles they fought, like the famous Battle of Jericho where the walls fell down.

Judges: A Time of Trouble

  • After Joshua, there was a time when the people didn’t have a king. Instead, God would choose special leaders called “judges” to help them.
  • The book of Judges tells about some of these leaders, like Samson, who was very strong, and Deborah, who was a wise woman.
  • But the people kept forgetting about God and doing bad things. The book of Judges shows what happens when people don’t follow God.

Ruth: A Story of Love and Loyalty

  • Ruth is a little bit different from the other historical books. It’s a story about a woman named Ruth who was very kind and loyal.
  • After Ruth’s husband died, she stayed with her mother-in-law Naomi and helped take care of her.
  • Ruth’s story shows how God takes care of people who trust in him, even during hard times.

More Chronological Order of Bible Books

Samuel: The Story of Israel’s First Kings

  • The books of 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel tell about the first two kings of Israel – Saul and David.
  • Saul was the first king, but he disobeyed God. So God chose a young shepherd boy named David to be the next king instead.
  • David had some problems too, but he loved God. The books tell about his adventures and the battles he fought.
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Kings and Chronicles: More Kings and Their Stories

  • After David, there were many other kings who ruled over Israel and Judah (the two kingdoms).
  • The books of 1 Kings and 2 Kings tell the stories of good kings like Hezekiah and bad kings like Ahab.
  • The books of 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles go over a lot of the same stories, but from a different point of view.

Prophets Like Isaiah: God’s Messengers

  • During the time of the kings, God also sent special messengers called prophets to speak to the people.
  • One of the most famous prophets was Isaiah. He warned the people to stop sinning and obey God.
  • Isaiah and other prophets also told about a special person called the Messiah who would come to save people.

Wisdom Books and Their Chronological Place

Proverbs: Wise Sayings to Live By

  • The book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings and advice about how to live a good life.
  • Many of the proverbs were written by King Solomon, who was known for being very wise.
  • Proverbs teaches about things like being honest, working hard, and making good choices.

Ecclesiastes: Looking for Meaning in Life

  • Ecclesiastes is another wisdom book, and it was probably also written by Solomon.
  • In this book, the writer looks at all the things people do to try and find meaning in life, like getting rich or being famous.
  • But he realizes that true meaning and happiness can only come from fearing and obeying God.

Song of Songs: A Beautiful Love Story

  • The Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon) is a love story written in the form of poetry.
  • It uses beautiful language and imagery to describe the love between a husband and wife.
  • While it’s a romantic story, it can also symbolize the love between God and his people.

The Remaining Chronological Bible Books

Prophets During the Exile

  • After many years of the people disobeying God, he allowed other nations to defeat Israel and Judah. The people were taken away as captives to places like Babylon. This is called the Exile.
  • During this difficult time, God sent prophets like Ezekiel and Daniel to encourage the people and give them hope.
  • Ezekiel used creative ways like acting out stories to warn the people to turn back to God. Daniel became a wise adviser to kings while still following God faithfully.

Prophets After the Exile

  • Eventually, God allowed some of the people to return to their homeland from the exile. But things were still hard.
  • The prophet Haggai told the people they needed to rebuild the temple and put God first again.
  • Zechariah and Malachi were other prophets who spoke God’s messages, promising that one day He would send a great Savior.
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New Testament Books in Chronological Order

The Gospels: The Story of Jesus

  • The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. They tell the story of Jesus’ life on earth.
  • Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each wrote about Jesus from their own point of view. They tell about the things Jesus taught, the miracles he did, and how he died and came back to life.
  • The Gospels are the most important part of the Bible for Christians because they show us who Jesus is and what he did for us.

Acts: The Church Begins

  • After the Gospels comes the book of Acts. It tells what happened after Jesus went back to heaven.
  • In Acts, Jesus’ followers receive the Holy Spirit and start spreading the good news about Jesus. This is how the first churches started.
  • Acts tells about people like Peter, Paul, and Barnabas who traveled to many places telling people about Jesus.

Letters to Churches and Christians

  • Much of the rest of the New Testament is made up of letters. These are also called epistles.
  • Some of these letters, like Romans and Ephesians, were written by Paul to different churches. He wrote to teach them more about Jesus and how to live as Christians.
  • Other letters, like James and 1 Peter, were written to encourage and instruct all Christians.

Revelation: A Look at the Future

  • The last book of the Bible is Revelation. It’s a bit different from the other books because it uses a lot of symbols and pictures.
  • In Revelation, God shows John what will happen in the future. It tells about Jesus coming back, the end of the world, and the new heaven and earth God will make.
  • Revelation gives Christians hope that no matter what happens, God is in control and will make everything right in the end.


The Bible is an amazing book that tells one big story – the story of God’s love for people and his plan to save them. Even though it has many different books written at different times, they all fit together in a beautiful way when we look at the chronological order.

From the very first book of Genesis to the last book of Revelation, we can see how God worked throughout history. He created the world, chose a special people for himself, sent prophets and teachers, and finally sent his Son Jesus to be our Savior.

Understanding the chronological order of the Bible books helps us appreciate how purposefully God put this story together over many centuries. We can trace the narrative from the beginning to the amazing future God has planned.

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