List Of All The Promises Of God In Bible

God makes a lot of promises in the Bible. These promises show us just how much He loves us and how we can always count on Him. When God makes a promise, He always keeps it. He never breaks His promises or goes back on His word. That’s because God is faithful and trustworthy.

In the Bible, we see God making promises to all sorts of people. He promises to take care of them, to bless them, and to be with them no matter what. These promises aren’t just for the people in the Bible stories, though. They’re for us too!

God’s promises give us hope and comfort. When life gets tough or scary, we can remember that God has promised to be with us and help us. We don’t have to face anything alone. God is always right there by our side.

Sometimes it might be hard to trust God’s promises, especially when things aren’t going the way we want them to. But that’s when we need to have faith. Faith means believing in God’s promises even when we can’t see how they will come true. It means trusting that God knows what’s best for us and that He will keep His word.

The Bible is full of stories about people who trusted in God’s promises. Abraham believed God’s promise to make him the father of many nations, even though he was old and didn’t have any children yet. Moses trusted God’s promise to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, even when things looked impossible. And Mary believed God’s promise that she would give birth to Jesus, the Savior of the world, even though she was a virgin.

These stories show us that we can trust God’s promises too. No matter what we’re going through, we can hold onto the promises God has made to us in His Word. We can have confidence that He will never let us down or leave us on our own.

God’s Promise to Always Be With Us

God makes a special promise in the Bible that He will always be with us. No matter where we go or what happens in our lives, God will never leave our side. This promise is found in many places throughout the Bible, like in Joshua 1:9 where God says, “I will be with you wherever you go.”

He is always by our side

  • When we feel lonely or afraid, we can remember that God is right there with us.
  • Even if our friends or family let us down, God will always be our best friend.
  • We can talk to God anytime, anywhere, and He will listen to us.

God’s presence is like a warm hug that makes us feel safe and loved. He is always watching over us and taking care of us, just like a good father takes care of his children.

We don’t have to be afraid because God is with us

Sometimes, life can be scary. We might feel afraid of the dark, or worried about getting sick, or nervous about trying new things. But when we remember that God is with us, it can help us feel brave and strong.

  • God promises to protect us and keep us safe.
  • He will give us the courage we need to face our fears.
  • When we trust in God, we don’t have to be afraid of anything.

God’s Promise to Provide for Our Needs

God is our loving heavenly Father, and He knows exactly what we need even before we ask Him. He understands us better than anyone else and wants to take care of us.

  • God sees when we are hungry or thirsty.
  • He knows when we need new clothes or a place to sleep.
  • He is aware of all our needs, both big and small.

We don’t have to worry about telling God what we need because He already knows. He is always watching over us and ready to help us.

He promises to take care of us

In the Bible, God makes a special promise to provide for our needs. In Matthew 6:31-32, Jesus tells us, “Don’t worry about what you will eat or drink or wear. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them.”

God wants us to trust Him to take care of us. He doesn’t want us to spend our time worrying about things like food or clothes. Instead, He wants us to focus on loving Him and others.

We can trust Him to give us food, clothes, and shelter

  • God provides food for the birds and animals, and He will provide for us too.
  • He can give us warm clothes to wear and a safe place to sleep.
  • We can trust God to meet all of our needs, just like He promises in the Bible.

God’s Promise to Answer Our Prayers

When we pray to God, He always listens to us. It doesn’t matter where we are or what we’re doing, God hears every prayer we say. He pays attention to us and cares about what we have to say.

  • We can pray to God anytime, day or night.
  • He hears us when we pray out loud or silently in our hearts.
  • God is never too busy to listen to our prayers.

Praying is like talking to a friend. We can tell God anything that’s on our minds, and He will always listen with love and understanding.

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He promises to answer when we ask for things that honor Him

God promises in the Bible to answer our prayers when we ask for things that are good and right. In 1 John 5:14-15, it says, “If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, we know that we have what we asked of Him.”

  • When we pray for things that make God happy, He is glad to give them to us.
  • God wants us to pray for things like wisdom, courage, and help to do what’s right.
  • He also wants us to pray for other people and their needs.

Sometimes, God’s answer to our prayers is “yes,” and we get what we asked for. Other times, His answer might be “no” or “wait.” But no matter what God’s answer is, we can trust that He knows what’s best for us.

We can pray to God about anything

God wants us to talk to Him about everything that’s important to us. We can pray to Him about big things and small things, happy things and sad things.

  • We can pray to God when we’re scared or worried.
  • We can ask Him to help us make good choices and be kind to others.
  • We can thank God for the blessings He gives us and the beautiful world He made.

God’s Promise of Salvation and Eternal Life

God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth to save us from our sins. Sin is anything we do that makes God sad or goes against what He wants for us. We all sin sometimes, and that sin separates us from God.

But God had a plan to bring us back to Him. He sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross. Jesus never sinned, but He chose to die in our place so that we could be forgiven.

He promises forgiveness and eternal life if we believe in Jesus

God promises that if we believe in Jesus and what He did for us on the cross, we can be forgiven of our sins and have eternal life. Eternal life means living forever with God in heaven after we die.

  • When we say we believe in Jesus, it means we trust Him to save us and be our friend forever.
  • We don’t have to do anything to earn God’s forgiveness or eternal life. It’s a free gift He gives us because He loves us.
  • The Bible says in John 3:16, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. Anyone who believes in Him will not die but will have eternal life.”

Believing in Jesus is the most important choice we can make. It means we accept God’s love and forgiveness and choose to follow Him with our lives.

We can live forever with God in heaven

When we believe in Jesus, we have the promise of living forever with God in a wonderful place called heaven. In heaven, there is no more sadness, pain, or death. It’s a place of joy, peace, and happiness that never ends.

  • God has prepared a special home for us in heaven where we can be with Him always.
  • In heaven, we will see Jesus face to face and thank Him for saving us.
  • We will also be reunited with other believers who have gone to heaven before us, like our family and friends.

God’s Promise to Give Us Strength

Sometimes, things happen in our lives that make us feel sad, scared, or tired. Maybe we have a big problem at school or at home, or maybe someone we love is sick or hurting. When these hard things happen, it can be tough to stay strong and keep going.

But the good news is that we don’t have to face these challenges alone. God promises to be with us and give us the strength we need to make it through.

But God promises to give us strength

In the Bible, God makes a special promise to give us strength when we feel weak. In Isaiah 41:10, God says, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.”

  • When we feel like we can’t do something on our own, God will help us and make us strong.
  • He will give us the courage to face our fears and the power to keep going even when things are tough.
  • God’s strength is bigger than any problem we might face, and He is always ready to share it with us.

We can ask God for strength through prayer. When we tell Him how we feel and what we need, He listens and gives us the help we need to keep going.

He will help us get through tough times

God doesn’t promise that life will always be easy, but He does promise to help us get through the hard times. He is like a strong anchor that keeps us steady when the storms of life come our way.

  • When we feel like giving up, God will encourage us and give us hope.
  • He will send people to help us and comfort us when we are sad or hurting.
  • God will give us the wisdom we need to make good choices and find solutions to our problems.
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No matter what challenges we face, we can trust that God will be with us every step of the way. He will never leave us or give up on us, and He will always give us the strength we need to keep going.

God’s Promise to Work Everything Out for Our Good

Bad things may happen to us

Sometimes, things happen in our lives that don’t seem fair or right. Maybe someone is mean to us at school, or we get sick and have to miss out on something fun. It’s normal to feel sad, angry, or confused when these things happen.

But even when bad things happen, God is still in control. He sees everything that happens to us, and He cares about how we feel.

But God promises to use them for our good

In the Bible, God makes a special promise to work everything out for our good, even the bad things. In Romans 8:28, it says, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.”

This doesn’t mean that God causes bad things to happen to us. But it does mean that He can take those bad things and use them to help us grow and learn.

  • When someone is mean to us, God can help us learn to be kind and forgive others.
  • When we get sick, God can use that time to teach us patience and trust in Him.
  • When we face a problem, God can show us how to be brave and find a solution.

God is like a master artist who can take all the pieces of our lives, even the broken and ugly ones, and turn them into something beautiful.

He has a good plan for our lives

God promises to work everything out for our good because He has a wonderful plan for each of our lives. Even when things seem hard or confusing, we can trust that God knows what He’s doing.

  • God’s plan is to help us grow closer to Him and become the best version of ourselves.
  • He wants to use us to make a difference in the world and show others His love.
  • When we follow God’s plan, we can have joy and peace no matter what happens.

Sometimes, it might take a while for us to see how God is working things out for our good. But we can trust that He is always working behind the scenes, even when we can’t see it.

God’s Promise of Peace

Sometimes, the world around us can feel like a big, scary place. There are so many things that can make us feel worried, afraid, or stressed out.

  • We might be nervous about starting a new school or making new friends.
  • We could be scared of things like thunderstorms, the dark, or being alone.
  • Big events happening in the world, like wars or natural disasters, can make us feel unsafe too.

All of these things can make our hearts feel troubled and our minds feel uneasy. We might have trouble sleeping or concentrating because we’re so worried about what could happen.

But God promises a peace that calms us

Even though the world can be a stressful place, God promises to give us a special kind of peace that can calm our fears and worries. In John 14:27, Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

  • God’s peace is different from the kind of peace the world offers. It’s a deep, lasting peace that comes from trusting in Him.
  • When we have God’s peace, we don’t have to be afraid or troubled, even when scary things happen around us.
  • God’s peace acts like a shield that protects our hearts and minds from worry and fear.

We can ask God to give us His peace whenever we’re feeling afraid or stressed. He is always ready to share His peace with us.

When we trust in Him, He gives us peace in our hearts

The key to having God’s peace is learning to trust in Him completely. When we truly believe that God is in control and that He loves us, it becomes easier to let go of our fears and worries.

  • We can trust that God is bigger and stronger than anything we’re afraid of.
  • We can believe that He has a good plan for our lives, even when things seem hard.
  • We can rest in the knowledge that God is always with us, protecting us and taking care of us.

As we trust in God more and more, His peace will fill our hearts and minds. We’ll be able to face each day with courage and confidence, knowing that our loving Father is in control.

God’s Promise to Heal Us

God can heal us when we are sick

Sometimes, our bodies get sick or hurt. We might catch a cold or the flu, or we might break a bone or get a cut that needs bandages. When we’re not feeling well, it can be hard to do the things we normally do, like go to school or play with our friends.

But the good news is that God has the power to heal us and make our bodies feel better again. In the Bible, there are many stories of Jesus healing people who were sick or injured.

  • He healed a man who couldn’t walk.
  • He made a blind man see again.
  • He even brought a little girl back to life after she had died.
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God can heal any kind of sickness or injury, no matter how big or small. All we have to do is ask Him for healing.

He also heals our hurts on the inside

But God doesn’t just heal our physical bodies – He can also heal the hurts and pains we feel on the inside. Maybe we’re feeling sad because someone was mean to us, or angry because something unfair happened. Or maybe we’re carrying around guilt or shame from something we did wrong.

These kinds of emotional hurts can make us feel just as bad as being sick on the outside. But God promises to heal our hearts and minds too.

  • He can take away our sadness and give us joy.
  • He can help us let go of anger and learn to forgive.
  • He can remove our guilt and shame and give us peace.

God knows exactly how we feel, and He wants to heal every part of us – our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.

We can pray and ask God to make us better

To receive God’s healing, all we have to do is pray and ask Him for it. We can tell Him exactly what’s wrong and how we’re feeling, and He will listen.

  • If we’re sick, we can ask God to heal our bodies and make us feel better.
  • If we’re hurting on the inside, we can ask Him to heal our hearts and minds.
  • We can also ask God to heal our friends or family members who are sick or hurting.

God loves us so much, and He doesn’t want us to suffer. So we can trust that when we pray for healing, He will answer our prayers in His perfect timing and in the way that’s best for us.

God’s Promise to Always Love Us

God’s love is forever

One of the most amazing promises God makes to us is that His love will never end. God’s love is not like the love we experience from people on earth. Human love can sometimes be conditional or change over time. But God’s love is unconditional, everlasting, and will never fail.

  • God loved us before we were even born, and He will love us for all eternity.
  • His love doesn’t depend on what we do or how good we are. He loves us simply because He created us.
  • God’s love is perfect, pure, and will never run out or go away.

Knowing that God loves us with a never-ending love can give us so much peace, joy, and security. No matter what happens in our lives, we can always count on God’s love to be there for us.

He will never stop loving us no matter what

Even when we make mistakes or do things that displease God, His love for us remains constant. He may discipline us because He wants what’s best for us, but He will never stop loving us or reject us completely.

  • When we feel unlovable or like we’ve messed up too much, God’s love reminds us that we are valuable and worthy.
  • God’s love gives us the courage to keep trying, even when we fail, because we know He believes in us.
  • His love motivates us to live in a way that honors Him and shows our love for Him in return.

God’s love is like a warm embrace that surrounds us and makes us feel safe, accepted, and cherished. We can run to His loving arms whenever we need comfort, forgiveness, or reassurance.

We can always count on God’s unfailing love

In a world where love often feels conditional or temporary, God’s unfailing love is a constant source of hope and strength. We can build our lives on the foundation of His love, knowing that it will never crumble or let us down.

  • When we feel unloved by others, we can remember that God loves us perfectly.
  • When we face hard times or heartbreak, God’s love will carry us through.
  • As we grow older, God’s love will remain steady and true, giving us purpose and security.


In conclusion, the Bible is filled with countless promises from God that demonstrate His immense love, faithfulness, and care for us. From the promise to always be with us and provide for our needs, to the promise of salvation, strength, and peace, God’s promises offer us hope, comfort, and assurance in every season of life.

God’s promises are not mere words, but powerful truths that we can stake our lives upon. They remind us that we are never alone, that our struggles are not in vain, and that our future is secure in the hands of a loving Father who keeps His word.

As we navigate the ups and downs of this world, may we cling tightly to God’s promises, allowing them to anchor our souls and guide our steps. May we find solace in His promise to work all things for our good, and may we rest in the knowledge that His love for us is everlasting and unwavering.

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