List Of Demons In The Bible

Demons are mentioned many times in the Bible. They are described as evil spiritual beings that cause harm and lead people away from God. According to the Bible, demons were once angels who lived in heaven with God. However, they chose to follow Satan, who was also an angel but rebelled against God. Because of their rebellion, these angels were cast out of heaven and became demons.

Understanding what the Bible says about demons can help us recognize their influence and protect ourselves from their harmful actions. Demons are often associated with causing physical and mental suffering, spreading lies, and tempting people to sin. By learning about these evil beings, we can better understand the spiritual battles described in the Bible and how to stand firm in our faith.

List Of Demons In The Bible

Here is a table containing the list of demons mentioned in the Bible:

DemonDescriptionScripture Reference
LegionMany demons entered a man.Luke 8:30
Unclean SpiritWent out of a man, seeking rest.Matthew 12:43-45
Evil SpiritRecognized Jesus and Paul.Acts 19:13-16
Seven SpiritsMore wicked than the first, entered a man.Matthew 12:45
Spirits of DemonsPerformed signs, gathered kings for war.Revelation 16:14
Spirits of DemonsBelieved and trembled.James 2:19
List Of Demons In The Bible

Please note that this table only includes demons mentioned in the Bible and does not include those from other sources or traditions.

Satan – The Leader of Demons

Satan is the chief demon and the leader of all evil spirits. He is known by many names in the Bible, each revealing something about his character and actions. Some of these names include Lucifer, the Devil, the Evil One, and the Prince of Demons. Satan was once a powerful angel in heaven, but he turned against God because of his pride and desire for power.

Satan’s Rebellion

Satan’s rebellion is a key event in the Bible. He was originally created as a beautiful and wise angel named Lucifer. However, he became proud and wanted to be like God. This led him to rebel against God, and he convinced a third of the angels to join him. As a result, Satan and his followers were cast out of heaven and became demons.

Names and Titles of Satan

Satan is known by many names and titles in the Bible, each highlighting different aspects of his nature and actions:

  • Accuser: He accuses people before God.
  • Adversary: He opposes God and His people.
  • Angel of Light: He can disguise himself to deceive others.
  • Beelzebub: Known as the “ruler of the demons.”
  • Deceiver: He leads people away from the truth.
  • Dragon: Represents his power and ferocity.
  • Father of Lies: He is the source of all lies.
  • Prince of the Power of the Air: Indicates his influence over the world.
  • Serpent of Old: Refers to his role in the Garden of Eden.

Satan’s Role and Activities

Satan’s main goal is to oppose God and lead people away from Him. He does this through various means:

  • Temptation: Satan tempts people to sin and disobey God.
  • Deception: He spreads lies and false teachings to confuse and mislead.
  • Accusation: He accuses believers, trying to make them feel guilty and unworthy.
  • Oppression: Satan and his demons can cause physical and mental suffering.

Satan’s Limitations

Despite his power, Satan is not all-powerful. He is limited by God’s authority and can only do what God allows. The Bible assures believers that they have power over Satan through faith in Jesus Christ. By resisting Satan and relying on God’s strength, Christians can overcome his schemes and stand firm in their faith.

Demon Spirits Mentioned by Name


Legion is a name used in the Bible to describe a group of many demons that possessed one man. This story is found in the New Testament. When Jesus met the man, He asked, “What is your name?” The man replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many.” This means that many demons were inside this one person. Jesus then commanded the demons to leave the man, and they entered a herd of pigs. The pigs then ran into a lake and drowned. This story shows that demons can possess people and animals, and that Jesus has power over them.


Beelzebub is another name for a powerful demon mentioned in the Bible. He is sometimes called the “prince of demons.” People in Jesus’ time believed that Beelzebub had great power over other demons. In one story, some people accused Jesus of using Beelzebub’s power to cast out demons. Jesus explained that this was not true and that His power came from God. Beelzebub’s name means “lord of the flies,” and he is often associated with filth and decay.


Abaddon or Apollyon is a demon mentioned in the Book of Revelation. His name means “destroyer.” Abaddon is described as the king of an army of locusts that come out of the bottomless pit. These locusts have the power to harm people who do not have God’s seal on their foreheads. Abaddon is a symbol of destruction and chaos. He is one of the most frightening demons mentioned in the Bible because of his role in bringing suffering and destruction during the end times.

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Molech is a demon associated with the worship practices of ancient people. Although the Bible does not explicitly call Molech a demon, he is often linked to demonic activities. Molech was worshipped by the Ammonites, and his followers practiced child sacrifice. God warned the Israelites not to worship Molech or offer their children to him. Molech is depicted as a half-man, half-bull figure with a fiery belly, symbolizing his cruel and destructive nature.


Azazel is mentioned in the Bible, but it is not entirely clear whether Azazel is a demon or a place. In the Book of Leviticus, a goat is sent into the wilderness “to Azazel” as part of a ritual to atone for the sins of the people. Some traditions interpret Azazel as a demon who lives in the desert. Azazel is often associated with scapegoating and the removal of sin, but his exact nature remains a topic of debate.


Mammon is a term used in the Bible to describe wealth and greed. While Mammon is not explicitly called a demon, he is often personified as one. Jesus warned people that they cannot serve both God and Mammon, meaning that they should not let the pursuit of wealth take the place of their devotion to God. Mammon represents the dangers of materialism and the temptation to prioritize money over spiritual values.


Asmodeus is a demon mentioned in the Book of Tobit, which is part of the Apocrypha. Asmodeus is known for causing trouble in marriages. In the story, he kills the husbands of a woman named Sarah, preventing her from finding happiness. The angel Raphael helps Tobit to defeat Asmodeus by using a special fish’s liver and heart to drive the demon away. Asmodeus is often associated with lust and destructive desires.

These names of demons, along with their stories and characteristics, serve as warnings for us to avoid and reject their influence. They remind us of the spiritual battles described in the Bible and the importance of staying close to God.

Categories of Demons Based on Their Activities

Unclean spirits are a type of demon mentioned in the Bible. These demons are called “unclean” because they are associated with impurity and sin. They can possess people, causing them to act in ways that are harmful and sinful. For example, unclean spirits can make people sick, both physically and mentally. They can cause people to have convulsions, foam at the mouth, and even harm themselves.

Unclean spirits are also known for promoting moral filth. This means they encourage people to engage in sinful behaviors, such as using foul language, telling dirty jokes, and living in a way that is unclean both physically and spiritually. The Bible describes these spirits as being very powerful, but they are still under God’s control. Jesus and His followers have the authority to cast out unclean spirits, showing that God’s power is greater than theirs.

Lying Spirits

Lying spirits are demons that spread falsehoods and deceive people. Their main goal is to lead people away from the truth and into error. These spirits can influence people to believe lies about God, themselves, and the world around them. They can also cause people to spread false teachings and doctrines that are not in line with the Bible.

Lying spirits are very dangerous because they can make people doubt their faith and turn away from God. They often work by twisting the truth and making it seem like a lie, or by making lies seem like the truth. To protect ourselves from lying spirits, it is important to know the truth of God’s Word and to test everything we hear against the Bible.

Territorial Spirits

Territorial spirits are demons that are believed to have control over specific geographic areas. These spirits can influence the people living in those areas, causing spiritual darkness and hindering the spread of the gospel. For example, a territorial spirit might be responsible for the widespread acceptance of false religions or immoral behaviors in a particular region.

The Bible suggests that these spirits exist, but it does not give a lot of detail about them. Some Christians believe that we should pray against these spirits and ask God to remove their influence from our communities. Others believe that our focus should be on spreading the gospel and living out our faith, trusting that God will take care of the spiritual battles.

Familiar Spirits

Familiar spirits are demons that are often associated with mediums, witches, and spiritualists. These spirits can communicate with people and give them information that seems supernatural. However, the Bible warns against seeking out familiar spirits because they are deceptive and can lead people away from God.

Familiar spirits can appear to be helpful or friendly, but their true goal is to deceive and harm. They might give people information about the future or about loved ones who have passed away, but this information is often mixed with lies. The Bible teaches that we should rely on God for guidance and not seek out familiar spirits.

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Seducing Spirits

Seducing spirits are demons that tempt people to engage in sinful behaviors. They can make sin seem attractive and desirable, leading people away from God and into a life of disobedience. These spirits can influence people to commit acts of immorality, such as adultery, fornication, and other sexual sins.

Seducing spirits are very powerful because they appeal to our natural desires and weaknesses. To resist their influence, it is important to stay close to God, pray for strength, and avoid situations where we might be tempted to sin. The Bible teaches that God’s love and power are the best defenses against these spirits.

Spirits of Destruction

Spirits of destruction are demons that cause chaos, harm, and destruction. They can influence people to engage in violent and destructive behaviors, such as murder, theft, and vandalism. These spirits thrive on causing pain and suffering, and they often target individuals and communities that are already vulnerable.

The Bible describes these spirits as being very dangerous, but it also teaches that God’s power is greater than theirs. By trusting in God and following His guidance, we can protect ourselves from the influence of spirits of destruction and work to bring healing and restoration to those who are affected by them.

How Demons Operate According to the Bible

Demons Cause Physical Violence

Demons can cause people to act violently. In the Bible, there are stories of people who were possessed by demons and became very aggressive. For example, in one story, two men who were possessed by demons were so fierce that no one could pass by them. This shows that demons can make people extremely angry and violent, leading to dangerous situations. They can cause uncontrollable rage, which can result in harm to others and even lead to serious crimes like homicide.

Demons Cause Sickness

Demons can also cause physical illnesses. The Bible mentions several instances where people were sick because of demonic possession. For example, a woman was bent over for eighteen years because of a spirit of infirmity. Other examples include people who were mute, blind, or had seizures because of demons. When Jesus cast out these demons, the people were healed immediately. This shows that some physical ailments can have a spiritual cause.

Demons Oppose God’s Ministers

Demons often try to stop those who are spreading God’s message. They can create obstacles for ministers, making it hard for them to do their work. This can include physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges. For example, the Apostle Paul mentioned that Satan hindered him from visiting a church. Demons can also snatch away the Word of God from people’s hearts, preventing them from understanding and accepting it.

Demons Blind the Minds of Unbelievers

Demons can blind people spiritually, making it hard for them to see the truth about God. They use deception to keep people from believing in the Gospel. The Bible says that the minds of unbelievers are blinded by the “god of this age,” which refers to Satan and his demons. This spiritual blindness prevents people from recognizing their need for God and accepting His salvation.

Demons Oppress People

Demons can cause people to feel oppressed. This means they can make people feel heavy, burdened, and troubled in their minds and bodies. The Bible describes this as being “overburdened” by demonic forces. People who are oppressed by demons might feel foggy, restless, and unable to find peace. However, Jesus has the power to heal and free those who are oppressed by the devil.

Demons Cause Confusion and Deception

Demons are known for causing confusion and spreading lies. They can twist the truth and make it hard for people to know what is right and wrong. This can lead to false teachings and beliefs that are not in line with the Bible. Demons can also create division and strife among people, causing conflicts and misunderstandings.

Demons Promote Idolatry and Immorality

Demons encourage people to worship idols and engage in immoral behaviors. The Bible warns that those who worship idols are actually worshipping demons. This includes practices like sacrificing to false gods and engaging in rituals that are against God’s commands. Demons use these practices to lead people away from God and into sin.

Demons Can Possess Animals

Demons can also inhabit animals. There is a story in the Bible where Jesus cast out demons from a man and allowed them to enter a herd of pigs. The pigs then ran into a lake and drowned. This shows that demons can take control of animals and cause them to act in destructive ways.

Demons Cause Mental and Emotional Distress

Demons can affect people’s minds and emotions, causing distress and turmoil. This can include feelings of depression, anxiety, and fear. Demons can also influence people’s thoughts, leading them to believe lies and experience confusion. This mental and emotional distress can be very debilitating and hard to overcome without spiritual help.

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Demons Seek to Destroy God’s Work

Demons are always trying to destroy the work of God. They do this by attacking believers, spreading false teachings, and creating obstacles for those who are serving God. Demons want to prevent people from knowing Christ and fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives. However, the Bible assures us that God’s power is greater than that of demons, and through faith in Jesus, we can overcome their influence.

Understanding how demons operate can help us recognize their tactics and protect ourselves from their harmful actions. By staying close to God, knowing His Word, and relying on His power, we can resist the influence of demons and live a life that honors Him.

Dealing with Demonic Forces

Rely on God’s Power and Authority

When dealing with demonic forces, it is crucial to rely on God’s power and authority, not our own strength. We cannot engage these spiritual battles on our own, as the demons are powerful and deceptive. Instead, we must humbly submit ourselves to God and draw strength from Him.

The Bible reminds us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). Therefore, we need to put on the full armor of God to stand firm against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).

Use the Spiritual Armor

The spiritual armor that God provides includes:

  • The Belt of Truth: We must know and stand firm in God’s truth, as revealed in His Word, to combat the lies and deceptions of the enemy.
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness: We need to live righteously, following God’s commands and seeking His holiness, to protect our hearts from the enemy’s attacks.
  • The Gospel of Peace: We must be prepared to share the good news of salvation, which is the ultimate victory over the powers of darkness.
  • The Shield of Faith: Our unwavering faith in God and His promises will extinguish the fiery darts of the evil one.
  • The Helmet of Salvation: Knowing that our salvation is secure in Christ gives us confidence and protects our minds from the enemy’s doubts and fears.
  • The Sword of the Spirit: The Word of God is our offensive weapon against the lies and schemes of the devil. We must know and wield it effectively.
  • Prayer: We must pray continually, seeking God’s guidance, strength, and protection in the spiritual battle.

Resist the Devil

The Bible instructs us to “resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). This resistance involves actively standing firm in our faith, rejecting the enemy’s temptations, and refusing to give him a foothold in our lives.

We can resist the devil by:

  • Rebuking him in the name of Jesus: The name of Jesus holds authority over the demonic realm, and we can use it to command the enemy to leave.
  • Quoting Scripture: The Word of God is a powerful weapon against the lies and deceptions of the enemy. We can use it to counter his attacks and stand firm in the truth.
  • Praying fervently: Prayer is our direct line of communication with God, and it gives us access to His power and protection.
  • Fleeing temptation: If we find ourselves in situations that could lead to sin or compromise, we must flee from them immediately, leaving no room for the enemy to gain a foothold.

Seek Deliverance and Freedom

For those who are oppressed or tormented by demonic forces, it is essential to seek deliverance and freedom through the power of Christ. This may involve:

  • Repentance and renunciation: Confessing and turning away from any sin or involvement with occult practices that may have opened doors to the enemy.
  • Deliverance ministry: Seeking the help of mature believers who can pray for deliverance and break the power of demonic oppression through the authority of Jesus.
  • Discipleship and accountability: After deliverance, it is crucial to continue growing in faith, studying the Word, and surrounding oneself with a supportive community of believers to maintain freedom and resist future attacks.

Persevere in Faith

Dealing with demonic forces is not a one-time event but an ongoing battle. We must persevere in our faith, remaining vigilant and steadfast in our commitment to Christ. The enemy will continue to attack, but we can take courage in the knowledge that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).


The Bible provides ample evidence that demons are real spiritual beings that oppose God and seek to lead people away from Him. Though powerful, demons are no match for God’s authority. As believers, we must be sober-minded and watchful for the schemes of the devil, while relying on God’s strength rather than our own.

By putting on the full armor of God through prayer, Bible study, and obedience to Christ, we can resist demonic influences. We wage spiritual warfare not by obsessing over demons, but by keeping our focus on Jesus and the truth of His Word. When we submit to God and draw near to Him, the devil has no choice but to flee from us. Though demons are at work in this world, we can take heart that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Our names are written in heaven, and Christ has already won the ultimate victory over Satan and his forces.

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