List Of Every Woman In The Bible

The Bible is filled with stories about women who played important roles in God’s plan. From the very beginning, women were created by God to be partners and helpers. Throughout the Bible, we see many examples of strong, faithful women who served God and made a lasting impact.

Women in the Bible came from all walks of life – some were queens, some were poor, some were married, and some were single. But no matter their circumstances, God used these women in powerful ways. Their stories show us that God values women and has a special purpose for their lives. The women in the Bible teach us lessons about courage, obedience, faith, and devotion to God.

List Of Every Woman In The Bible

Here is a table containing all the women mentioned in the Bible:

NameDescriptionScriptureBible StudyBible Story
Abel (Woman of)
AbigailMarried to David1 Samuel 25Abigail
Adulterous WomanUnnamed woman caught in adulteryJohn 8Adulterous Woman
AnnaElderly woman who spent her days serving in the templeLuke 2Anna
Annointing WomanUnnamed sinful woman who anointed Jesus’ feetLuke 7Sinful Woman
BerniceSister of Drusilla and AgrippaActs 25-26Bernice and Drusilla
Bleeding WomanUnnamed woman who suffered from bleeding disorder for twelve yearsMatthew 9, Mark 5, Luke 8Bleeding Woman
Blind Man’s MotherUnnamed woman who refused to acknowledge the healing of her sonJohn 9Blind Man’s Mother
BridesmaidsParable about 10 virgins waiting for the groomMatthew 2510 Bridesmaids
Canaanite WomanUnnamed mother from Canaan whose daughter was possessed by demonsMatthew 15, Mark 7Canaanite Woman
Daughter of AbrahamUnnamed woman afflicted with back ailment for eighteen yearsLuke 13Daughter of Abraham
Daughters of PhilipFour unnamed prophetesses whose father was Philip the evangelistActs 21Daughters of Philip/Wives of Tyre
DeborahProphetess and judge of IsraelJudges 4-5Deborah
DorcasAn early church disciple who ministered to widows, also known as TabithaActs 9Dorcas
DrusillaGreat granddaughter of Herod the great, daughter of Herod Agrippa, divorced King Aziz to marry Felix, the Roman governorActs 24Bernice and Drusilla
EglahOne of King David’s wivesII Samuel, I ChroniclesEglah
ElizabethWife of Zechariah, mother of John the Baptist, cousin of Mary, mother of JesusLukeElizabeth
ElishebaWife of AaronExodusElisheba
EphahOne of the concubines of Caleb (prince of Judah)I ChroniclesEphah
EphrathSecond wife of Caleb (the spy)I ChroniclesEphrath
Esther (Hadassah)Queen of the Persian Empire in the Hebrew Bible, the queen of AhasuerusEstherEsther
EuniceMother of TimothyActs 16, 2 Timothy 1, 3Eunice and Lois
EuodiaBeliever in Philippi who got into a disagreement with another womanPhilippians 4Euodia and Syntyche
EveFirst woman, wife of AdamGenesisEve
Fortune-Telling DamselUnnamed slave girl with a gift for divinationActs 16Fortune-Telling Damsel
HuldahProphetessII Kings 22Huldah
LeahWife of JacobGenesisLeah
LoisMother of TimothyActs 16, 2 Timothy 1, 3Eunice and Lois
Lydia of ThyatiraChristian convert and host to PaulActs 16Lydia
Mary (Magdalene)Follower of JesusMatthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 8Mary Magdalene
Mary (Mother of Jesus)Mother of Jesus ChristMatthew 1, Luke 1Mary
Mary (Sister of Martha and Lazarus)Sister of Martha and LazarusLuke 10Mary
MarthaSister of Mary and LazarusLuke 10Martha
MiriamSister of Moses and Aaron, prophetessExodusMiriam
PriscillaWife of AquilaActs 18Priscilla
RahabHarlot who helped the Israelites in JerichoJoshua 2, Hebrews 11Rahab
RebekahWife of IsaacGenesisRebekah
SarahWife of AbrahamGenesisSarah
SyntycheBeliever in Philippi who got into a disagreement with another womanPhilippians 4Euodia and Syntyche
ZipporahWife of MosesExodusZipporah
List Of Every Woman In The Bible

This table includes all the women mentioned in the Bible, including those with significant roles and those who are less well-known.

Women in the Old Testament

Eve was the first woman created by God. She was made from Adam’s rib to be his helper. Eve lived in the Garden of Eden with Adam. They had everything they needed and were happy. But one day, a serpent tricked Eve into eating fruit from the tree that God had forbidden. She shared the fruit with Adam, and this act brought sin into the world. Eve’s story teaches us about the importance of obedience to God and the consequences of disobedience.

Sarah, Wife of Abraham

Sarah was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. She was known for her beauty and her faith. Even though she was very old, God promised her a son. Sarah laughed at first because she thought it was impossible. But God kept His promise, and she gave birth to Isaac. Sarah’s story shows us that nothing is impossible for God and that we should trust in His promises.

Rebekah, Wife of Isaac

Rebekah was chosen to be Isaac’s wife. She was kind and generous, offering water to Abraham’s servant and his camels. Rebekah had twin sons, Esau and Jacob. She loved Jacob more and helped him get his father’s blessing, which was meant for Esau. Rebekah’s story highlights the importance of kindness and the complexities of family relationships.

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Rachel and Leah, Wives of Jacob

Rachel and Leah were sisters who both married Jacob. Jacob loved Rachel more, but Leah was the first to bear him children. Leah had many sons, while Rachel struggled to have children. Eventually, Rachel gave birth to Joseph and Benjamin. The stories of Rachel and Leah show the challenges of sibling rivalry and the importance of patience and faith.

Miriam, Sister of Moses

Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron. She played a key role in saving Moses as a baby by watching over him when he was placed in a basket on the Nile River. Miriam later became a prophetess and led the women of Israel in song and dance after crossing the Red Sea. Her story teaches us about courage and leadership.

Ruth, the Loyal Daughter-in-Law

Ruth was a Moabite woman who showed great loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi. After the death of her husband, Ruth chose to stay with Naomi and follow her to Israel. She worked hard to provide for them and eventually married Boaz, a relative of Naomi. Ruth’s story is one of loyalty, hard work, and God’s provision.

Esther, the Brave Queen

Esther was a Jewish woman who became the queen of Persia. She bravely risked her life to save her people from a plot to destroy them. Esther’s courage and faith in God helped her succeed. Her story is celebrated during the Jewish festival of Purim and teaches us about bravery and standing up for what is right.

Other Notable Women

  • Rahab: A woman in Jericho who helped Israelite spies and was spared during the city’s destruction.
  • Deborah: A prophetess and judge who led Israel to victory in battle.
  • Delilah: A woman who betrayed Samson for money.
  • Hannah: A woman who prayed earnestly for a child and was blessed with Samuel, whom she dedicated to God.

These women of the Old Testament show us many different aspects of faith, courage, and God’s plan. Their stories are important parts of the Bible and offer valuable lessons for us today.

Mary, Mother of Jesus

Mary was a young woman chosen by God for a very special purpose. She was engaged to a man named Joseph when an angel named Gabriel visited her. Gabriel told Mary that she would have a baby, and this baby would be the Son of God. Mary was surprised and asked how this could happen since she was a virgin. The angel explained that the Holy Spirit would come upon her, and the baby would be called Jesus. Mary accepted God’s plan with faith and said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.”

Mary’s story is important because it shows her faith and obedience to God’s will. Even though she did not fully understand how everything would happen, she trusted God completely. This teaches us that we should trust God, even when we do not understand His plans.

Her Faith and Obedience

Mary’s faith continued to shine throughout her life. When Jesus was born, she and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem, and there was no room for them in the inn. Jesus was born in a stable, and Mary laid Him in a manger. Despite the humble circumstances, Mary treasured all these things in her heart and pondered them.

Mary also showed her faith at the wedding in Cana. When the wine ran out, she told Jesus about the problem. Jesus performed His first miracle there by turning water into wine. Mary believed in Jesus’ power and trusted Him to help.

The Magnificat: Mary’s Song of Praise

After learning she would be the mother of Jesus, Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, who was also expecting a baby. When Elizabeth saw Mary, her baby leaped in her womb, and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth praised Mary for her faith, and Mary responded with a song of praise known as the Magnificat.

In the Magnificat, Mary praised God for His greatness and mercy. She spoke about how God lifts up the humble and fills the hungry with good things. This song shows Mary’s deep love for God and her understanding of His goodness and justice.

Mary’s Role in Jesus’ Life

Mary was present at many important moments in Jesus’ life. She was there when He was presented at the temple as a baby, and she watched Him grow up. Mary was also there at the foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified. Her presence during these times shows her unwavering support and love for her Son.

Mary’s story is a powerful example of faith, obedience, and love. She accepted God’s plan for her life and trusted Him completely. Her life teaches us to have faith in God, to obey His will, and to love Him with all our hearts.

Women Followers of Jesus

Mary Magdalene was one of the most well-known women who followed Jesus. She was from a town called Magdala. Jesus healed her by casting out seven demons from her. After this, Mary became a devoted follower of Jesus. She traveled with Him and the disciples, helping to support them with her own money. Mary Magdalene was present at Jesus’ crucifixion and was the first person to see Him after His resurrection. Her story shows us the power of Jesus’ healing and the importance of loyalty and faith.

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Joanna, Wife of Chuza

Joanna was another important woman who followed Jesus. She was the wife of Chuza, who managed the household of Herod, a ruler in Galilee. Joanna was healed by Jesus and decided to follow Him. She used her resources to support Jesus and His disciples. Joanna’s story highlights how people from different backgrounds and social statuses can come together to serve God.


Susanna is mentioned in the Bible as one of the women who followed Jesus and supported His ministry. Although not much is known about her, her inclusion shows that many women played vital roles in Jesus’ ministry. Susanna’s story reminds us that every act of service, no matter how small, is important to God.

Other Women Followers

Besides Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna, there were many other women who followed Jesus. These women provided for Jesus and His disciples out of their own means. They traveled with Jesus, listened to His teachings, and witnessed His miracles. Their dedication and support were crucial to Jesus’ ministry.

The Role of Women in Jesus’ Ministry

The women who followed Jesus were not just passive followers. They were active participants in His ministry. They helped financially, provided food and shelter, and offered emotional support. Jesus valued these women and treated them with respect, which was unusual for that time. He allowed them to learn from Him and be part of His mission. This shows that in God’s kingdom, everyone is important, regardless of gender.

Lessons from the Women Followers

  • Faithfulness: These women showed great faith by following Jesus and supporting His ministry.
  • Generosity: They used their own resources to help Jesus and His disciples.
  • Courage: They stayed with Jesus even during difficult times, like His crucifixion.
  • Service: They served Jesus and His followers in many practical ways.

The stories of these women teach us valuable lessons about faith, generosity, courage, and service. They remind us that everyone has a role to play in God’s plan, and every act of service is significant.

Women in Acts and the Early Church

Priscilla was a Jewish missionary from Rome who played a key role in the early church. She traveled with her husband, Aquila, and worked closely with Paul. Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers by trade, but they also taught others about Jesus. They even helped to instruct a Jewish intellectual named Apollos, explaining the way of God more accurately to him. Priscilla’s story shows that women were active in teaching and spreading the gospel.

Phoebe, the Deacon

Phoebe was a deacon in the church at Cenchreae. Paul mentioned her in his letter to the Romans, commending her for her service. Phoebe was likely a wealthy woman who used her resources to help the church. She may have also delivered Paul’s letter to the Romans. Her role as a deacon shows that women held important positions in the early church and were trusted with significant responsibilities.

Lydia, the First European Convert

Lydia was a businesswoman who sold purple cloth. She met Paul by a river in Philippi, where she and other women gathered for prayer. After hearing Paul’s message, Lydia and her household were baptized. She then invited Paul and his companions to stay at her home. Lydia’s story highlights her hospitality and her leadership in the early church. Her home became a meeting place for believers, showing that women played a crucial role in the growth of the church.

Daughters of Philip

Philip the Evangelist had four daughters who were known for their gift of prophecy. These women were active in the early church and used their gifts to serve God. Their story shows that women were recognized for their spiritual gifts and were involved in the ministry of the church.

Nympha of Laodicea

Nympha was another woman who hosted a house church. Her home in Laodicea was a place where believers gathered to worship and learn about Jesus. Nympha’s role as a host shows that women were central to the early Christian communities, providing spaces for fellowship and teaching.

Other Notable Women

  • Chloe: A prominent woman in Corinth whose household informed Paul about issues in the church.
  • Mary, the mother of John Mark: Hosted a house church in Jerusalem and was a key figure in the early Christian community.
  • Tabitha (Dorcas): Known for her acts of kindness and charity, especially making clothes for widows. She was raised from the dead by Peter, showing her importance in the community.

Lessons from Women in Acts and the Early Church

  • Leadership: Women like Priscilla, Phoebe, and Lydia held leadership roles and were respected in the early church.
  • Service: Many women used their resources and gifts to serve others, showing generosity and dedication.
  • Hospitality: Women like Lydia and Mary opened their homes to believers, creating spaces for worship and fellowship.
  • Spiritual Gifts: Women were recognized for their spiritual gifts, such as prophecy, and were active in the ministry.

The stories of these women in Acts and the early church demonstrate their significant contributions to the spread of Christianity. They were leaders, teachers, and servants who played vital roles in the growth and development of the early Christian communities. Their examples teach us about faith, service, and the importance of using our gifts for God’s work.

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Women in Acts and the Early Church

Priscilla was a Jewish missionary from Rome who played a key role in the early church. She traveled with her husband, Aquila, and worked closely with Paul. Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers by trade, but they also taught others about Jesus. They even helped to instruct a Jewish intellectual named Apollos, explaining the way of God more accurately to him. Priscilla’s story shows that women were active in teaching and spreading the gospel.

Phoebe, the Deacon

Phoebe was a deacon in the church at Cenchreae. Paul mentioned her in his letter to the Romans, commending her for her service. Phoebe was likely a wealthy woman who used her resources to help the church. She may have also delivered Paul’s letter to the Romans. Her role as a deacon shows that women held important positions in the early church and were trusted with significant responsibilities.

Lydia, the First European Convert

Lydia was a businesswoman who sold purple cloth. She met Paul by a river in Philippi, where she and other women gathered for prayer. After hearing Paul’s message, Lydia and her household were baptized. She then invited Paul and his companions to stay at her home. Lydia’s story highlights her hospitality and her leadership in the early church. Her home became a meeting place for believers, showing that women played a crucial role in the growth of the church.

Daughters of Philip

Philip the Evangelist had four daughters who were known for their gift of prophecy. These women were active in the early church and used their gifts to serve God. Their story shows that women were recognized for their spiritual gifts and were involved in the ministry of the church.

Nympha of Laodicea

Nympha was another woman who hosted a house church. Her home in Laodicea was a place where believers gathered to worship and learn about Jesus. Nympha’s role as a host shows that women were central to the early Christian communities, providing spaces for fellowship and teaching.

Other Notable Women

  • Chloe: A prominent woman in Corinth whose household informed Paul about issues in the church.
  • Mary, the mother of John Mark: Hosted a house church in Jerusalem and was a key figure in the early Christian community.
  • Tabitha (Dorcas): Known for her acts of kindness and charity, especially making clothes for widows. She was raised from the dead by Peter, showing her importance in the community.

Lessons from Women in Acts and the Early Church

  • Leadership: Women like Priscilla, Phoebe, and Lydia held leadership roles and were respected in the early church.
  • Service: Many women used their resources and gifts to serve others, showing generosity and dedication.
  • Hospitality: Women like Lydia and Mary opened their homes to believers, creating spaces for worship and fellowship.
  • Spiritual Gifts: Women were recognized for their spiritual gifts, such as prophecy, and were active in the ministry.

The stories of these women in Acts and the early church demonstrate their significant contributions to the spread of Christianity. They were leaders, teachers, and servants who played vital roles in the growth and development of the early Christian communities. Their examples teach us about faith, service, and the importance of using our gifts for God’s work.

Advice and Examples from Women

The Wise Woman Who Saved a City

In the Bible, there is a story about a wise woman who saved her city from destruction. This woman lived in a city called Abel Beth Maakah. When a man named Sheba rebelled against King David, he hid in her city. Joab, the commander of David’s army, came to capture Sheba and was ready to destroy the city. The wise woman spoke to Joab and convinced him to spare the city if they handed over Sheba. The people of the city listened to her, and they gave Sheba to Joab, saving the city. This story shows the power of wisdom and negotiation. The wise woman used her words and intelligence to bring peace and protect her people.

The Wife Described in Proverbs 31

The Proverbs 31 woman is often called the “wife of noble character.” She is described as a woman of great value, worth more than rubies. This woman is hardworking, wise, and caring. She takes care of her family and helps those in need. Here are some of her qualities:

  • Hardworking: She works with wool and flax, makes clothes, and provides food for her family.
  • Wise: She speaks with wisdom and gives good advice.
  • Caring: She helps the poor and needy.
  • Strong: She is strong and dignified, and she can face the future without fear.
  • Respected: Her husband and children respect and praise her.

The Proverbs 31 woman is an example of how to live a life of virtue and dedication. She shows that true beauty comes from fearing the Lord and living a life of service and love.

Teachings About Wives

The Bible gives specific advice about the roles and responsibilities of wives. Here are some key teachings:

  • Helper: In Genesis, God created Eve to be a helper for Adam. This means that wives are meant to support and help their husbands.
  • Respect: Wives are encouraged to respect their husbands. This means valuing their opinions, admiring their character, and appreciating their efforts.
  • Submission: The Bible teaches that wives should submit to their husbands as the church submits to Christ. This does not mean blind obedience but a willing and loving cooperation.

Teachings About Mothers

Mothers have a special role in the family. The Bible highlights the importance of their influence and care. Here are some teachings about mothers:

  • Teaching: Mothers are responsible for teaching their children about God and His ways. They should guide their children with love and wisdom.
  • Nurturing: Mothers provide emotional and physical care for their children. They create a loving and safe environment for their family.
  • Role Models: Mothers are role models for their children. They should live lives of faith, kindness, and integrity.

Women’s Roles in the Church

Women also have important roles in the church. The Bible mentions several women who served in various capacities:

  • Deacons: Women like Phoebe served as deacons, helping to lead and support the church.
  • Prophets: Women like the daughters of Philip had the gift of prophecy and shared God’s messages.
  • Teachers: Women like Priscilla taught others about Jesus and helped to spread the gospel.


The stories and roles of women in the Bible offer a rich tapestry of faith, courage, and wisdom, showcasing how God values and uses women in His divine plan. From the Old Testament figures like Deborah, who led Israel to victory, to New Testament examples like Phoebe, a deacon in the early church, the Bible presents women as integral to God’s work. These narratives challenge the often patriarchal interpretations of Scripture, highlighting instead a God who empowers and entrusts women with significant responsibilities. Women like Ruth and Esther, who navigated complex social and political landscapes with faith and ingenuity, serve as timeless models of godly character and influence. Similarly, Mary, the mother of Jesus, exemplifies obedience and trust in God’s plan, her story underscoring the pivotal role women play in salvation history.

In contemporary discussions about gender roles within Christianity, these biblical examples provide a foundation for understanding the equal but distinct roles men and women hold in God’s kingdom. The overarching biblical narrative affirms that both men and women are created in God’s image, endowed with gifts meant to serve the church and society. While certain passages have been interpreted to restrict women’s roles, a holistic view of Scripture reveals a God who values the contributions of women and men alike. This perspective not only honors the biblical witness but also encourages a more inclusive and empowering approach to ministry and leadership within the Christian community. By embracing the diversity of women’s roles depicted in the Bible, believers today can better reflect the kingdom of God, where every individual’s gifts are recognized and celebrated.

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