List Of Good Works In The Bible

Good works are actions that show kindness, help others, and follow what God teaches in the Bible. They are important because they show love to others and obey God’s commands. The Bible, which is a special book for many people around the world, talks a lot about doing good things for others. It tells stories of people who did good works and teaches us why it’s important to keep doing them.

In the Bible, good works are not just about being nice. They are about making a real difference in the world and in other people’s lives. For example, helping someone who is hungry by giving them food, or being a friend to someone who is lonely. These actions are examples of good works because they show care and love.

The Bible also explains that doing good works is a way to thank God for all the good things He has given us. It’s like saying “thank you” to God not just with words, but with what we do. However, the Bible makes it clear that doing good works is not a way to earn God’s love or get into heaven. God’s love is a gift, and no one can earn it. But, when people believe in God and follow Him, they want to do good works to show their love back to God and to people around them.

This article will explore what the Bible says about good works. We will look at stories from the Bible, what Jesus and other important figures said about doing good, and how all of this can guide us today. We will also talk about how doing good works can make a big difference in our lives and in the world. So, let’s start this journey to understand more about good works in the Bible and how we can put them into action.

List Of Good Works In The Bible

Here is a table containing a list of good works mentioned in the Bible:

Good WorkBible Verse
Caring for the poor and needyProverbs 19:17, Matthew 25:31-46, James 2:14-17
Showing hospitalityRomans 12:13, 1 Peter 4:9
Giving to the church and missions2 Corinthians 9:6-15, Malachi 3:10
Serving othersGalatians 5:13, Mark 10:45
Doing good deedsEphesians 2:10, Titus 2:14
Sharing the gospelMatthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8
Forgiving othersEphesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13
Loving one anotherJohn 13:34-35, 1 John 4:7-8
Obeying God’s commandsJohn 14:15, 1 John 5:3
Pursuing holiness1 Peter 1:15-16, Hebrews 12:14
Bearing spiritual fruitGalatians 5:22-23, John 15:8
Caring for widows and orphansJames 1:27, 1 Timothy 5:3-4
Encouraging others1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 10:24-25
Showing compassionLuke 10:25-37, Colossians 3:12
Seeking justiceMicah 6:8, Amos 5:24
List Of Good Works In The Bible

Examples of Good Works by Bible Characters

Abraham is known for his act of hospitality. In the Bible, he welcomed three strangers into his home and offered them food and rest. This story teaches us the importance of being kind and welcoming to others, even if we do not know them.

Moses’ Leadership and Sacrifice

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, showing great leadership and courage. He also spoke to God on behalf of his people, asking for their forgiveness when they made mistakes. This shows us how we can care for others and ask for help when needed.

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David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth

David showed kindness by caring for Mephibosheth, who was from the family of his rival Saul. He gave him a place at his own table, which was a big honor. This story highlights the good work of forgiveness and kindness.

Lessons We Can Learn

  1. Hospitality: Like Abraham, we can be welcoming to new people we meet.
  2. Leadership and Sacrifice: Like Moses, we can take care of others and stand up for them.
  3. Forgiveness and Kindness: Like David, we can forgive those who may have wronged us and treat them with kindness.

These stories from the Bible not only show us what good works look like but also teach us how we can incorporate these actions into our own lives.

Teachings of Jesus on Good Works

What Jesus Said About Doing Good

Jesus taught many things about doing good to others. He said that when we help others, it’s like we are helping Him. This shows how important it is to be kind and helpful.

Examples from the Gospels

  • Feeding the Hungry: Jesus fed thousands of people with just a few loaves of bread and fish. This miracle shows us the power of sharing, even when we have just a little.
  • Healing the Sick: Jesus healed many sick people. His actions teach us the importance of caring for those who are unwell.
  • Helping the Poor: Jesus talked a lot about helping poor people. He said that giving to the poor is like giving to Him.

How Jesus’ Teachings Guide Us Today

A. Being Kind and Helpful:

  • Always look for ways to help others.
  • Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

B. Sharing with Others:

  • Share what you have, even if it’s not a lot.
  • Your willingness to share can encourage others to do the same.

C. Caring for the Sick and Poor:

  • Spend time with people who are sick or in need.
  • Offer what you can to help them feel better or improve their situation.

Jesus’ teachings about good works are not just old stories; they are lessons that can guide us in our everyday lives. By following these teachings, we can make a real difference in the world and show love to others in meaningful ways.

Good Works in the Letters of Paul

Overview of Paul’s Advice on Good Works

Paul wrote many letters to early Christian communities, teaching them how to live according to Jesus’ teachings. He emphasized that good works are a natural result of having faith in Jesus.

Specific Verses from Romans and Galatians

  • Romans 12:13: Paul tells us to share with people who need help and to welcome strangers into our homes.
  • Galatians 6:10: He advises us to do good to all people, especially those who share our faith.

How Paul’s Teachings Apply to Modern Life

A. Sharing and Helping:

  1. Look for chances to help people who need food, clothes, or a place to stay.
  2. Be open to meeting and helping people who are new in your community.
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B. Doing Good to All:

  1. Treat everyone with kindness, whether they are part of your community or not.
  2. Find ways to support people in your church or group, like helping with events or giving rides.

Paul’s messages in his letters help us understand that doing good works should be part of our daily lives. By following his advice, we can show others the love of Jesus and make our communities better places for everyone.

The Role of Good Works in Salvation

Understanding Faith Versus Works

In the Bible, there is a lot of talk about faith and works. Faith means believing in God and Jesus. Works are the good things we do because of our faith. Some people wonder if doing good works can help them earn God’s love or a place in heaven.

What James and Paul Say About Works and Faith

  • James 2:17: James says that faith without works is dead. This means if we really believe in God, we will naturally want to do good works.
  • Ephesians 2:8-9 (written by Paul): Paul explains that we are saved by faith, not by works. This means we can’t earn our way to heaven by just doing good things.

Clarifying Misconceptions About Earning Salvation Through Good Works

A. Salvation is a Gift:

  • We receive God’s love and salvation as a gift because of Jesus, not because of anything we do.
  • Believing in Jesus is the key to this gift.

B. Good Works Show Our Faith:

  1. When we do good works, it shows that our faith in Jesus is real.
  2. Good works are a way to thank God and help others, showing God’s love through our actions.

The Bible teaches that while good works can’t earn us salvation, they are still very important. They are a way for us to show our faith in God and to live out His teachings. By understanding this, we can better appreciate why we do good works and how they fit into our faith.

How to Practice Good Works Daily

Practical Tips for Incorporating Good Works into Everyday Life

Doing good works every day doesn’t have to be hard or big. It can be simple things that show kindness and help people around us.

Simple Acts of Kindness and Their Impact

  • Smiling and Saying Hello: Just by smiling and greeting people, you can make someone’s day better.
  • Helping a Neighbor: Whether it’s carrying groceries or mowing a lawn, small helps can mean a lot to someone in need.

Encouragement to Make Good Works a Habit

A. Start Small:

  1. Choose one small good deed to do each day.
  2. It could be as simple as complimenting someone or holding the door open.

B. Build From There:

  1. As you get used to doing small acts, try adding more or bigger ones.
  2. Think about volunteering in your community or at a local charity.

Good works can become a part of who we are. When we do them regularly, they start to feel natural. By starting small and gradually doing more, we can make a big difference in our communities and show true kindness every day.

Benefits of Doing Good Works

Spiritual and Personal Benefits of Performing Good Works

Doing good works not only helps others but also brings many benefits to ourselves. It can make us feel happier and more connected to our community.

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How Good Works Can Affect the Community

  • Creating a Positive Environment: When we do good works, it encourages others to do the same, creating a cycle of kindness.
  • Supporting Those in Need: Good works provide direct help to people who are struggling, which can make a big difference in their lives.

Biblical Promises Related to Doing Good

A. Peace and Joy:

  • The Bible says that when we do good, we find peace and joy in our hearts.
  • This is because doing good is part of living the way God wants us to.

B. Rewards in Heaven:

  1. Jesus talked about rewards in heaven for those who do good on earth.
  2. These rewards are not why we do good works, but they are a promise from God for our faithfulness.

The benefits of doing good works extend beyond the immediate help they provide. They enrich our lives, bring us closer to others, and fulfill some of the core teachings of the Bible. By understanding and experiencing these benefits, we are more motivated to continue doing good in the world.

Inspiring Stories of Good Works in Modern Times

Real-life Examples of People Living Out Biblical Principles

Many people today are doing good works that reflect the teachings of the Bible. Their stories can inspire us to act similarly.

How These Stories Can Inspire Us to Do More Good Works

  • Community Helpers: Some people create food banks or shelters in their communities. These help feed and house those who have nowhere to go.
  • Individual Acts of Kindness: Others might pay for a stranger’s groceries or help an elderly neighbor regularly. These small acts create big smiles and spread kindness.

Ways to Get Involved in Community Service and Charity

A. Find Local Opportunities:

  1. Look for local charities or groups that help people in need.
  2. Join them in their activities or offer your skills.

B. Start Your Own Project:

  1. If you see a need in your community, think about how you could help fill it.
  2. Gather friends or family to start a small project that can grow over time.

The actions of modern-day good Samaritans show us that the spirit of biblical teachings is still alive and well. By learning from their examples and finding ways to contribute ourselves, we can continue this legacy of kindness and make a real difference in our world.


Throughout this article, we’ve explored the significant role that good works play in the teachings of the Bible. From the inspiring actions of biblical figures like Abraham, Moses, and David, to the profound teachings of Jesus and Paul, we see a consistent message: good works are an essential expression of our faith and love for others.

We’ve also seen how these ancient teachings can be applied in our modern lives. Whether through small acts of kindness, community service, or personal sacrifices, each good deed we perform can have a profound impact on the world around us. These actions not only benefit those we help but also enrich our own lives, bringing us joy, peace, and a deeper connection to our communities.

The stories of modern individuals who embody these principles remind us that the spirit of the Bible’s teachings is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. They inspire us to carry forward this legacy of kindness and generosity.

By integrating these lessons into our daily lives, we can continue to spread goodness and light in the world, making it a better place for everyone. Let’s be inspired by the good works highlighted in the Bible and strive to make them a part of our everyday actions.

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