List Of Idols In The Bible

In this article, we’re going to talk about something called idols that we read about in the Bible. An idol is anything or anyone that people treat as if it were God, even though it’s not. This means that instead of giving all their love, trust, and respect to God, people give those things to something else. It could be a statue, a picture, or even an idea in their mind. The Bible, which is a very important book for Christians, Jews, and Muslims, tells us that worshiping idols is not good because it takes away from the respect and love that should only go to God.

Long ago, people made figures or statues out of things like gold, silver, wood, or stone and treated these objects as if they were gods. They believed these idols could do things only God can do, like protect them, give them good luck, or make their crops grow. But the Bible teaches that these idols don’t have any real power and that trusting them is a mistake.

Nowadays, when people talk about idols, they’re not just talking about statues. An idol can also be something we want too much, like money, power, or being very popular. If we want these things so much that we forget about God, they become like idols in our hearts.

The Bible has a lot of stories about idols and why they’re a problem. It tells us that God wants to be the most important in our lives because He is the only one who truly deserves our love and trust. So, in this series of articles, we’re going to look at different idols mentioned in the Bible, learn from the stories about them, and think about how we can make sure God stays the most important in our lives.

List Of Idols In The Bible

Here is a table containing a list of idols mentioned in the Bible:

IdolScripture Reference
TammuzEzekiel 8:14
Rimmon2 Kings 5:18
Baal1 Kings 16:32, 2 Kings 3:2, Hosea 2:13
Nebo2 Kings 17:41
ChiunJeremiah 50:2
HuzzabIsaiah 14:9
RemphanActs 7:43
Golden ImageDaniel 3:1-7
Brazen SerpentNumbers 21:4-9
Images of AngelsRevelation 19:10
Gods of EgyptExodus 12:12, Psalm 135:15-17
Molten ImagesDeuteronomy 4:16, Psalm 135:15-17
Standing ImageLeviticus 26:1
Graven ImageExodus 20:4, Isaiah 44:9-12
Silver and Gold IdolsPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the HeathenPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of Silver and GoldIsaiah 31:7, 2 Kings 21:3
Idols of Men’s HandsPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the NationsPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the EarthPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the SeaPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the AirPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the WaterPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the LandPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the EarthPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the SeaPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the AirPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the WaterPsalm 135:15-17
Idols of the LandPsalm 135:15-17
List Of Idols In The Bible

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, as there are many other idols mentioned in the Bible.

The Golden Calf: A Big Mistake by the Israelites

What Happened with the Golden Calf

The story of the Golden Calf is about a time when the people of Israel made a big mistake. Moses, their leader, went up a mountain called Mount Sinai to talk to God. He was gone for a long time, and the people got worried and scared because they didn’t know what happened to him.

  1. Asking for a New God: The people asked Aaron, who was Moses’ brother, to make them a new god because they were not sure if Moses would come back.
  2. Making the Calf: Aaron took gold from the people, melted it, and made a statue of a calf. This calf was an idol, which means it was something they treated like a god.
  3. Worshiping the Calf: The people started to celebrate and worship this golden calf as if it was a real god, which made God very unhappy because only He should be worshiped.

Why It Was Wrong

Worshiping the golden calf was wrong for a few reasons:

  • Breaking God’s Rule: The first rule God gave was to only worship Him. By making and worshiping the calf, the people were not following this important rule.
  • Forgetting God’s Help: God had done many things to help the Israelites, like freeing them from slavery in Egypt. Worshiping the calf showed that they forgot all the good things God had done for them.

What Happened Next

When Moses came down from the mountain and saw the people worshiping the calf, he was very upset.

  • Breaking the Tablets: Moses had two stone tablets with rules from God written on them. He was so upset that he threw them down and broke them.
  • Destroying the Calf: Moses took the golden calf, burned it, and then ground it into powder. He mixed the powder with water and made the people drink it as a way to show how serious their mistake was.
  • God’s Forgiveness: Even though the people made a big mistake, God forgave them. This shows that God is forgiving if people are truly sorry for what they did wrong.

Lessons to Learn

The story of the golden calf teaches us some important lessons:

  • Always Follow God: It reminds us to always worship and follow God, not things that we make.
  • Learn from Mistakes: It shows that everyone makes mistakes, but it’s important to learn from them and make better choices in the future.
  • God’s Forgiveness: It teaches us about God’s love and forgiveness, even when we make big mistakes.
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This story from the Bible helps us understand why it’s important to worship only God and remember all the good things He does for us.

Baal Worship in the Bible

Who Was Baal?

Baal was a god that people in ancient times believed controlled nature, like rain and the weather. This god was very popular in places near Israel, like Canaan. The people who worshiped Baal thought he could make their crops grow and give them good harvests.

How Did People Worship Baal?

Worshiping Baal involved different kinds of ceremonies and offerings. Here’s what some people did:

  1. Building Altars: People built special places called altars where they could bring offerings to Baal.
  2. Offering Sacrifices: They often sacrificed animals, and sometimes even more valuable things, hoping Baal would bless them in return.
  3. Festivals and Dances: There were also big parties and dances to honor Baal, especially when they wanted rain or good crops.

Stories from the Bible About Baal Worship

The Bible tells us about several times when people worshiped Baal and what happened because of it. Here are a few examples:

  • Elijah’s Challenge: One famous story is about a prophet named Elijah who challenged the prophets of Baal. This happened on a mountain called Mount Carmel. Elijah wanted to show that God is the real God, not Baal.
  • Elijah and the prophets of Baal each set up an altar and asked their god to send fire from the sky.
  • Baal did not answer his prophets, but God sent fire to burn Elijah’s offering, showing that He is the true God.
  • King Ahab and Queen Jezebel: Another story involves a king of Israel named Ahab and his wife, Jezebel. They worshiped Baal, which led many Israelites to do the same.
  • This made God very unhappy because the king was leading his people away from worshiping the true God.

Why Baal Worship Was a Problem

Worshiping Baal was a problem because it went against what God wanted. Here’s why:

  • Against God’s Commands: God had told the people of Israel to worship only Him. Baal worship broke this important rule.
  • Led People Astray: It led people to trust in a god who wasn’t real, instead of trusting in God who had proven His power and love for them.

Lessons from the Stories of Baal Worship

The stories of Baal worship in the Bible teach us important lessons:

  • Trust in the True God: They remind us to trust in God who has shown His power and love, not in things that people make up.
  • Be Careful Who You Follow: They warn us to be careful about who or what we follow, especially leaders who might lead us in the wrong direction.
  • God’s Power Over False Gods: They show that God’s power is greater than any other so-called gods or idols.

Asherah: Understanding the Canaanite Goddess

Who Was Asherah?

Asherah was considered a goddess by the ancient Canaanites, who lived near the Israelites. She was thought to be a goddess of fertility, which means people believed she could help things grow, like crops and families. Asherah was often shown as a mother or a tree, symbolizing life and growth.

Connection Between Asherah and People in the Bible

In the Bible, some people in Israel started to worship Asherah alongside God, which was against God’s instructions. Here’s how they did it:

  1. Asherah Poles: People would make wooden poles or trees to represent Asherah. These were called Asherah poles.
  2. Placing Poles Near God’s Altar: Sometimes, these poles were set up right next to where people worshiped God, which mixed up the worship of God with the worship of Asherah.

What the Bible Says About Asherah Poles

The Bible mentions Asherah poles several times, showing that they were a common problem among the Israelites. Here are some key points:

  • God’s Disapproval: God did not like His people worshiping Asherah. He wanted them to worship only Him because He is the only true God.
  • Destruction of Poles: Good leaders in the Bible, like King Hezekiah and King Josiah, would destroy Asherah poles as part of bringing people back to worshiping only God.

Why Worshiping Asherah Was Wrong

Worshiping Asherah was wrong for a few reasons:

  • Breaking God’s Law: God had clearly told the Israelites to worship only Him. By worshiping Asherah, they were not following this important rule.
  • Misplaced Trust: Trusting in Asherah, a false goddess, meant that people were not trusting in God who had proven His power and care for them.

Lessons to Learn from Asherah Worship

The stories about Asherah in the Bible teach us several lessons:

  • Stay True to What is Right: These stories remind us to stay true to what we know is right and not be led astray by other beliefs.
  • The Importance of Good Leaders: They show how important it is to have leaders who encourage the right kind of behavior and beliefs.
  • God’s Patience and Guidance: Despite the people’s mistakes, God was patient and kept guiding them back to the right path.
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Understanding the story of Asherah helps us see the importance of following one true God and not mixing our beliefs with things that aren’t true or right.

The Story of Dagon: The Fish God

Who Was Dagon?

Dagon was a god worshiped by the Philistines, who were neighbors and often enemies of the Israelites. Dagon is sometimes shown as part man and part fish, which is why he is known as the fish god. People believed that Dagon was the god of fertility and agriculture.

The Story of Dagon and the Ark of the Covenant

One of the most famous stories about Dagon in the Bible involves the Ark of the Covenant, a sacred chest that held important items for the Israelites, including the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments.

  1. Capture of the Ark: The Philistines defeated the Israelites in a battle and took the Ark of the Covenant to the temple of Dagon as a trophy.
  2. Dagon Falls: The next morning, the Philistines found the statue of Dagon fallen face down before the Ark. They set it back up, but the following day, it had fallen again, and this time its head and hands were broken off.
  3. Plagues on the Philistines: After these events, the Philistines suffered from plagues, which they believed were caused by keeping the Ark in their land.

What Happened to Dagon’s Statue

The story of Dagon’s statue falling before the Ark is significant because it showed that Dagon was powerless compared to the God of Israel. Here’s what happened:

  • First Fall: Dagon’s statue was found face down as if bowing before the Ark.
  • Second Fall: After being set up again, the statue not only fell but was also damaged, losing its head and hands, which in those times symbolized defeat and powerlessness.

Why the Story of Dagon is Important

The story of Dagon and the Ark teaches several important lessons:

  • God’s Superiority: It highlights the superiority of the God of Israel over the Philistine god, Dagon.
  • Warning Against Idolatry: It serves as a warning about the dangers and futility of idol worship.
  • God’s Protection of His People: Even in defeat, the presence of the Ark brought consequences to the Philistines, showing God’s ongoing protection and concern for His people.

Lessons to Learn

From the story of Dagon, we can learn important truths:

  • The Power of God: This story shows that God is more powerful than any other gods that people might worship.
  • The Folly of Idol Worship: It teaches that worshiping idols, or things made by human hands, is useless because they have no real power.
  • Respect for What is Sacred: The respect shown to the Ark, even by the Philistines, teaches us to respect what is sacred and important in our beliefs.

Understanding the story of Dagon helps us see the importance of worshiping the true God and respecting what is sacred in our lives.

Molech and Child Sacrifices in the Bible

Who Was Molech?

Molech was a god worshiped by some ancient cultures living near the Israelites. This god is most infamous for the disturbing practice of child sacrifices. People believed that offering their children to Molech would bring them favor and prosperity.

How Did People Worship Molech?

The worship of Molech involved very cruel practices, which were strongly condemned in the Bible. Here’s what typically happened:

  1. Building a Statue: A large statue of Molech was made, often depicted with outstretched arms, creating a kind of bowl where fires could be lit.
  2. Sacrificial Fires: Fires were lit in or around the statue, and the heat turned the statue’s arms into a superheated surface.
  3. Child Sacrifices: Children were then placed in the arms of the statue, and the intense heat caused the children to perish as a sacrifice to Molech.

What the Bible Says About Child Sacrifices to Molech

The Bible mentions Molech several times, always in a negative context, highlighting the evil of such practices:

  • Strict Prohibition: God explicitly forbade the Israelites from engaging in child sacrifice, which was considered one of the most grievous sins.
  • Punishments for Worshipers: The Bible states that those who sacrificed their children to Molech were to be cut off from their community or put to death, showing the seriousness of this sin.

Why Idol Worship Was a Problem

Worshiping Molech was particularly abhorrent due to the innocent lives it claimed:

  • Violation of Moral Laws: It broke fundamental moral laws about the sanctity of life.
  • Misplaced Faith: It represented a tragic misplacement of faith, where people trusted in a cruel practice rather than in a loving and just God.

Lessons from the Worship of Molech

The accounts of Molech worship in the Bible teach us critical lessons about faith and morality:

  • Value of Life: They remind us of the preciousness of life and the importance of protecting the vulnerable, especially children.
  • Dangers of Misguided Beliefs: These stories warn us about the dangers of following misguided beliefs that lead to harmful practices.
  • God’s Justice: They also highlight God’s justice and His demand for righteous behavior among His people.
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Understanding the story of Molech helps us appreciate the importance of adhering to moral principles and rejecting any practices that harm or devalue life.

The Danger of Idol Worship: Lessons from the Bible

Why Idol Worship is Dangerous

Idol worship refers to giving something or someone the kind of love, time, and attention that should only be given to God. The Bible teaches that this is dangerous for several reasons:

  • It Breaks God’s Command: God’s first commandment is to worship only Him. Idol worship goes directly against this.
  • It Leads People Away from God: When people focus on idols, they stop looking to God for guidance and help.
  • It Can Cause Harm: Often, the things or practices involved in idol worship can harm people physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

Stories of People Who Faced Consequences for Idol Worship

The Bible is full of stories where idol worship led to problems. Here are a few examples:

  1. King Solomon: Despite his wisdom, Solomon’s love for foreign women led him to worship their gods. This turned his heart away from God and eventually led to his kingdom being divided.
  2. The Israelites in the Desert: When Moses was on Mount Sinai, the Israelites made a golden calf to worship. This angered God, and they faced His punishment.
  3. King Manasseh: He worshiped many idols and even practiced magic and divination, which are forbidden. His actions brought disaster upon his kingdom.

How to Avoid Idol Worship in Modern Times

Avoiding idol worship today might look a bit different but is just as important:

  • Recognize Modern Idols: Today, idols can be things like money, power, or even technology—anything that takes the place of God in our lives.
  • Stay Close to God’s Word: Regular reading of the Bible and prayer can help keep our focus on God.
  • Community Support: Being part of a community that values true worship can help keep us accountable and focused on what’s important.

Lessons to Learn

The stories and warnings about idol worship in the Bible teach us valuable lessons:

  • The Importance of True Worship: They remind us of the importance of worshiping only God, who is worthy of our complete devotion.
  • The Consequences of Disobedience: These stories show that turning away from God can lead to serious consequences.
  • The Power of Repentance: Many stories also show that turning back to God can restore our relationship with Him.

Understanding the dangers of idol worship and learning from the examples in the Bible can help us live lives that are more pleasing to God and more fulfilling for us.

Turning Away from Idols: Stories of Redemption

People in the Bible Who Turned Away from Idols

The Bible shares many stories of people who once worshiped idols but decided to turn away and follow God instead. These stories are powerful examples of redemption and change.

Examples of Redemption:

  1. King Manasseh: After years of idol worship and leading his people astray, Manasseh was captured by enemies. In captivity, he turned back to God, repented, and was restored to his kingdom, where he removed the foreign gods and restored worship of the true God.
  2. The People of Nineveh: In the story of Jonah, the entire city of Nineveh, known for its wickedness, repented after Jonah warned them of God’s coming judgment. They turned from their evil ways and God spared their city.

How They Changed Their Lives

Turning away from idols involved significant changes in behavior and beliefs. Here’s what generally happened:

  • Acknowledgment of Sin: They recognized their mistakes and the wrong of idol worship.
  • Repentance: They expressed sorrow for their sins and committed to change.
  • Removal of Idols: They physically removed idols and altars from their presence.
  • Restoration of True Worship: They reinstated the worship of the true God.

Encouragement for Turning Away from Idols Today

Turning away from idols is as relevant today as it was in biblical times. Here are steps and encouragements for anyone looking to make that change:

  • Identify Personal Idols: Reflect on what takes up most of your time, attention, and affection. These can be modern-day idols.
  • Seek Forgiveness: Like the biblical figures, acknowledging our missteps and seeking forgiveness is crucial.
  • Make Practical Changes: Remove the influences or habits that lead to idol worship. This might mean changing routines, relationships, or how you use your time and resources.
  • Connect with a Faith Community: Being part of a community that focuses on true worship can provide support and guidance.

Lessons to Learn

From these stories, we learn several key lessons:

  • Hope for Change: No matter how far someone has gone in the wrong direction, turning back is always possible.
  • The Power of God’s Forgiveness: God is ready to forgive those who come back to Him with a sincere heart.
  • The Impact of Good Choices: Turning away from idols leads to a more fulfilling and God-centered life.

These biblical stories of turning away from idols inspire us to examine our own lives and make changes that align more closely with God’s desires for us. They show us the transformative power of repentance and the lasting peace that comes from following the true God.


Throughout this series, we’ve explored various stories from the Bible that highlight the dangers and consequences of idol worship. These stories not only provide historical insights into the beliefs and practices of ancient times but also offer timeless lessons that are relevant to our lives today. Here are the key takeaways from our discussion:

By reflecting on these biblical stories, we can gain a deeper understanding of how to live a life that honors God. This not only involves avoiding the worship of physical idols but also steering clear of any practices or obsessions that can lead us away from a meaningful relationship with our Creator. Let these lessons be a guide for us to live wisely and faithfully in our modern world.

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