List Of Prophets In The Bible In Order

When we open the Bible, we find many stories and teachings that have guided people for thousands of years. Among these are the stories of the prophets, special messengers chosen by God to deliver important messages. These prophets played a big role in the history of the Bible, especially in the parts called the Old Testament. The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible, and it tells us about the history, laws, and beliefs of the people of Israel before the birth of Jesus.

Prophets were like the bridge between God and people. They were chosen by God to speak to the people, telling them what God wanted them to know. Sometimes, they brought warnings or asked the people to change their ways. Other times, they brought hope and promises of better times ahead. The prophets had a very special relationship with God, which allowed them to understand and share God’s messages.

In the Bible, there are many prophets, and they can be grouped into two main categories: major prophets and minor prophets. This doesn’t mean that some prophets were more important than others. Instead, it refers to the length of the writings or messages they left behind. Major prophets, like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, have longer books in the Bible. Minor prophets, like Hosea, Joel, and Amos, have shorter books. But whether their messages are long or short, all these prophets shared important messages from God.

The prophets lived during different times and faced different challenges. Some lived during times of war or when the people of Israel were not following God’s ways. They spoke about the need for the people to return to God and follow His laws. They also spoke about the future, including promises of a Messiah, a special leader sent by God, whom Christians believe is Jesus.

Understanding the prophets and their messages helps us to understand the big story of the Bible and God’s love and plans for people. It shows us how God tried to guide and help His people through the ages. As we learn about these prophets, we can see how their messages of hope, warning, and love are still relevant to us today.

Who Are the Major Prophets?

In the Bible, there are special messengers called prophets who were chosen by God to deliver important messages to people. Among these prophets, some are called major prophets because their messages are long and cover a lot of information. There are four major prophets in the Bible: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Let’s learn a bit about each one and what makes their messages special.


  • Time Period: Isaiah lived about 700 years before Jesus was born.
  • Main Messages: Isaiah told people about God’s rules and how they should live. He also gave hope by talking about a future peace and a savior who many believe is Jesus.
  • Famous for: The book of Isaiah is well-known for its beautiful language and deep teachings about how to be good and follow God.


  • Time Period: Jeremiah lived about 600 years before Jesus, during a very hard time when his country, Judah, was taken over by another country.
  • Main Messages: He warned people that their city, Jerusalem, would be destroyed because they were not following God. He also talked about a new promise from God that would bring hope.
  • Famous for: Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet” because he cried over the sad things that were happening to his people.


  • Time Period: Ezekiel also lived around 600 years before Jesus, at the same time as Jeremiah, but he was in a different place because he was taken away from his home by the invaders.
  • Main Messages: Ezekiel had visions, which are like dreams while awake, where God showed him what would happen in the future. He told people they needed to turn back to God and be faithful.
  • Famous for: One of his most famous visions is of dry bones coming to life again, which is a picture of hope and new beginnings.


  • Time Period: Daniel lived at the same time as Ezekiel but in a different city under different rulers.
  • Main Messages: Daniel showed that it is important to stay true to God even when it is very hard. He had the ability to understand dreams and visions, which he used to help kings understand what God was saying.
  • Famous for: Daniel’s story includes him surviving being thrown into a lion’s den because he prayed to God even when it was against the law.

These major prophets have books named after them in the Bible, and their stories and messages are still read and respected today. They teach us about being faithful, hopeful, and true to what is right.

Understanding the Minor Prophets

In the Bible, apart from the major prophets, there are also prophets known as minor prophets. This title doesn’t mean they were less important, but their messages are shorter in the Bible. There are twelve minor prophets, and each one has a unique message that was important for the people of their time and remains meaningful today.

What Does “Minor” Mean?

The term “minor” refers to the length of the writings attributed to these prophets in the Bible, not their importance. Their books are shorter but packed with powerful messages and teachings.

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List of the Twelve Minor Prophets

Here are the twelve minor prophets in the order they appear in the Bible:

  1. Hosea
  2. Joel
  3. Amos
  4. Obadiah
  5. Jonah
  6. Micah
  7. Nahum
  8. Habakkuk
  9. Zephaniah
  10. Haggai
  11. Zechariah
  12. Malachi

A Closer Look at Some Minor Prophets

Let’s explore a few of these prophets and their main messages:


  • Main Message: Hosea used his own life as a symbol, marrying a woman who was not faithful, to show how the people of Israel were not faithful to God. He spoke about God’s love and how God wanted His people to return to Him.
  • Famous for: The deep love and forgiveness that God has, even when people make mistakes.


  • Main Message: Amos was a simple farmer before God called him to be a prophet. He spoke strongly against the unfairness and greed he saw in society. He called for justice and fairness for all, especially the poor.
  • Famous for: His sayings about justice rolling down like waters, which many remember as a call to do right by others.


  • Main Message: Jonah is known for trying to run away from God’s task. He was sent to the city of Nineveh to warn them about God’s judgment, but he tried to avoid this job. His story teaches about obedience and God’s mercy.
  • Famous for: Being swallowed by a giant fish and living in its belly for three days before agreeing to do what God asked.


  • Main Message: Micah spoke about the coming of a ruler from Bethlehem who would lead Israel with strength and kindness. He also talked about what God really wants from people: to act justly, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
  • Famous for: His prophecies about the birthplace of Jesus and his simple but powerful summary of what God requires from us.

These minor prophets, though their books may be short, brought significant messages of correction, hope, and instruction that helped guide the people of their times and continue to inspire us today. Their words remind us of the importance of justice, mercy, and humility in our lives.

The Role of Prophets in the Old Testament

The Old Testament of the Bible tells us about many people called prophets. These prophets had a special job: to speak for God. They told people what God wanted them to know. Sometimes, this was a warning or a call to change their ways. Other times, it was a message of hope and promise for the future.

What Did Prophets Do?

Prophets were like messengers. They had a close relationship with God, which allowed them to understand God’s messages and share them with others. Here are some things prophets did:

  • Shared God’s messages: They told people what God wanted them to know.
  • Warned people: Sometimes, they warned people about what would happen if they didn’t follow God’s ways.
  • Gave hope: They also shared messages of hope, telling people about good things that would come.

Impact on Israel’s History

The prophets had a big impact on the history and people of Israel. Here are a few examples:

  • Guiding leaders: Prophets sometimes gave advice to kings and leaders, helping them make good decisions.
  • Helping people change: Their messages encouraged people to return to God and follow His ways.
  • Predicting the future: They sometimes told about things that would happen in the future, which helped people trust in God’s plan.

Examples of Specific Prophecies

Here are some examples of prophecies and how they were fulfilled:

  1. Isaiah’s prophecy of a savior: Isaiah talked about a savior who would be born and bring peace. Christians believe this was about Jesus.
  2. Jeremiah’s warning about Jerusalem: Jeremiah warned that Jerusalem would be destroyed if people didn’t change their ways. This happened when Babylon attacked Jerusalem.
  3. Daniel’s vision of future kingdoms: Daniel had visions about different kingdoms that would rise and fall. Historians say these visions match up with real events in history.

Prophets played a big role in the Old Testament. They helped guide people, warned them when they were going wrong, and gave them hope for the future. Their messages are still important today because they teach us about God’s love, justice, and the importance of living in a good way.

Prophets and Their Books: A Closer Look

In the Bible, many prophets shared God’s messages with people. Some of these prophets have books named after them. These books are special because they contain the words and teachings of the prophets. Let’s take a closer look at some of these prophets and their books.

Which Prophets Have Books Named After Them?

Several prophets have books in the Bible with their names. Here are a few:

  • Isaiah
  • Jeremiah
  • Hosea
  • Amos

Each of these books is unique and offers valuable lessons and insights.

Highlighting Specific Books


  • What’s in the Book: The book of Isaiah is full of beautiful words about how people should live and treat each other. It also talks about a future of peace and a savior who many believe is Jesus.
  • Why It’s Important: Isaiah’s messages of hope and justice are still relevant today. They teach us about the importance of being kind and fair to others.


  • What’s in the Book: Jeremiah’s book includes warnings about what would happen if people didn’t follow God. It also talks about a new promise from God to always be with His people.
  • Why It’s Important: This book shows us that even when things are tough, there is always hope for a better future.
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  • What’s in the Book: Hosea used his own life as an example to show how people were not faithful to God. Despite this, the book talks about God’s love and forgiveness.
  • Why It’s Important: Hosea teaches us about the power of love and forgiveness, and how important it is to be loyal and true.


  • What’s in the Book: Amos was a farmer who God called to be a prophet. He spoke out against unfairness and greed, calling for justice and fairness.
  • Why It’s Important: Amos reminds us that everyone deserves to be treated fairly and that we should stand up for what is right.

What Can We Learn from These Books Today?

These books from the prophets teach us many important lessons:

  • Be Kind and Fair: They remind us to treat others with kindness and fairness.
  • Hope and Forgiveness: They teach us about the importance of hope and forgiveness, even when things are hard.
  • Stand Up for What’s Right: They encourage us to stand up against unfairness and fight for justice.

The prophets and their books are an important part of the Bible. They offer guidance, hope, and lessons that are still important for us today. By reading these books, we can learn how to live better lives and be kinder to others.

Timeline of Prophets in the Bible

The Bible tells us about many prophets who lived at different times. These prophets were sent by God to guide, warn, and give hope to people. Understanding when each prophet lived helps us see how their messages fit into the bigger story of the Bible. Let’s look at a timeline of some prophets and the historical context of their times.

Chronological Order of Prophets

Here’s a simple list showing some prophets in the order they appeared:

  1. Elijah (9th century BC)
  2. Isaiah (8th century BC)
  3. Jeremiah (late 7th to early 6th century BC)
  4. Ezekiel (6th century BC)
  5. Daniel (6th century BC)
  6. Hosea (8th century BC)
  7. Jonah (8th century BC)
  8. Micah (8th century BC)
  9. Amos (8th century BC)
  10. Malachi (5th century BC)

Historical Context for Each Prophet


  • Time Period: Elijah lived during a time when Israel was divided into two kingdoms. He is known for his miracles and his challenge against the prophets of Baal.
  • Key Message: He called people back to worship the one true God.


  • Time Period: Isaiah lived in the kingdom of Judah during a time of political unrest and threat from Assyrian invasion.
  • Key Message: He spoke of judgment but also of hope and the coming of a savior.


  • Time Period: Jeremiah prophesied during the last days of the kingdom of Judah, leading up to the Babylonian exile.
  • Key Message: He warned of Jerusalem’s destruction due to the people’s unfaithfulness but also spoke of a new covenant.

Ezekiel and Daniel

  • Time Period: Both lived during the Babylonian exile, a time when many Jews were living in Babylon away from their homeland.
  • Key Messages: Ezekiel called for repentance and spoke of restoration. Daniel showed how to remain faithful to God in a foreign land.

Hosea, Jonah, Micah, Amos

  • Time Period: These prophets lived in the 8th century BC, a time of social and religious turmoil in Israel.
  • Key Messages: They spoke against injustice and idolatry and called for repentance.


  • Time Period: Malachi lived after the return from Babylonian exile, during the Persian period.
  • Key Message: He called for faithfulness to God and proper worship.

How the Messages Relate to Their Times

Each prophet spoke into their specific historical context. For example:

  • Isaiah and Jeremiah addressed the threats and challenges facing the kingdom of Judah, offering both warnings and hope.
  • Ezekiel and Daniel provided guidance and encouragement to the Jews living in exile, reminding them of God’s control over all nations.
  • Hosea and Amos challenged the social injustices and idolatry of their time, calling the people back to a faithful relationship with God.

Understanding the timeline and context of these prophets helps us appreciate the relevance of their messages in their own time and in ours. Their calls for justice, faithfulness, and hope continue to inspire and challenge us today.

Lesser-Known Prophets in the Bible

While many people are familiar with prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah, the Bible also tells us about lesser-known prophets. These prophets may not have long books named after them, but their messages are still powerful and important. Let’s learn about a few of these lesser-known prophets and see what they can teach us.

Introduction to Lesser-Known Prophets

Some of these prophets include:

  • Obadiah
  • Nahum
  • Habakkuk
  • Zephaniah

Each of these prophets had a specific message for the people of their time, and their words are still meaningful today.


  • Main Message: Obadiah’s book is the shortest in the Old Testament, but it has a strong message. It talks about the judgment coming to the nation of Edom because they were cruel to their neighboring country, Israel.
  • Why It’s Important: Obadiah teaches us about the consequences of being mean and unfair to others.
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  • Main Message: Nahum wrote about the fall of the city of Nineveh. He said that because the people of Nineveh were violent and evil, their city would be destroyed.
  • Why It’s Important: Nahum’s message reminds us that doing bad things can lead to bad results.


  • Main Message: Habakkuk had a conversation with God about why bad things happen to good people. He wondered why God allowed unfair things to go on.
  • Why It’s Important: Habakkuk shows us that it’s okay to ask questions and have doubts, and that we can talk to God about our worries.


  • Main Message: Zephaniah warned that a big day of judgment was coming, but he also said that there was hope for people who were humble and sought God.
  • Why It’s Important: Zephaniah teaches us about the importance of being humble and looking for God’s guidance.

How These Prophets Fit Into the Bigger Biblical Narrative

Even though these prophets are not as well-known, their messages are a key part of the Bible’s story. They remind us that:

  • Justice is important: Many of these prophets spoke about the consequences of doing wrong and the importance of treating others fairly.
  • It’s okay to have questions: Like Habakkuk, we can have doubts and questions, and it’s important to seek answers.
  • There is always hope: Even in messages of judgment, prophets like Zephaniah remind us that there is hope for those who seek God.

These lesser-known prophets add depth and richness to the Bible’s message. They teach us valuable lessons about justice, faith, and hope that are relevant to our lives today.

The Impact of Biblical Prophets Today

The messages of the prophets in the Bible continue to have a big impact on people’s lives today. Even though these prophets lived thousands of years ago, their words about love, justice, and hope are still very important. Let’s explore how the teachings of the prophets are relevant in our modern world and how we can use their wisdom in our everyday lives.

How the Teachings of the Prophets Are Relevant Today

The prophets talked about many things that we still deal with today, such as:

  • Being kind and fair: They taught that we should treat others with kindness and fairness.
  • Helping those in need: They encouraged people to look after the poor and those who are having a hard time.
  • Living honestly: They said that living an honest life is important to being a good person.

Examples of Biblical Prophecies Influencing Contemporary Faith

Many people find guidance and comfort in the words of the prophets. For example:

  • Isaiah’s message of hope is often read during difficult times to remind us that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Micah’s call for justice inspires people to work for a fairer world where everyone is treated equally.
  • Jeremiah’s promise of a new covenant helps people understand that they can have a personal and direct relationship with God.

Ways People Can Apply the Wisdom of the Prophets in Everyday Life

Here are some practical ways we can use the prophets’ teachings in our daily lives:

  1. Be kind to others: Just like the prophets taught, we can make the world a better place by being kind to the people around us.
  2. Stand up for what’s right: When we see something wrong, we can remember the prophets’ calls for justice and try to make things right.
  3. Keep hope alive: Even when things are tough, the prophets’ messages of hope can encourage us to keep going and believe in a better future.

The biblical prophets spoke powerful words that are still relevant today. Their messages teach us about how to live well, care for others, and keep hope alive. By following their teachings, we can make our lives and the world around us better. The impact of these prophets shows us that wisdom from the past can still guide us in the present and into the future.


In conclusion, the prophets of the Bible, both major and minor, provide timeless wisdom that transcends centuries and continues to resonate with us today. Their messages of justice, hope, and faithfulness offer guidance and insight into how we can lead more fulfilling and ethical lives. By exploring the lives and teachings of these prophets, we gain a deeper understanding of the values that are central to the biblical narrative and how they apply to modern-day challenges.

The prophets teach us the importance of compassion, integrity, and standing up for what is right, principles that are just as relevant in today’s world as they were thousands of years ago. Their calls for social justice and personal responsibility inspire us to make positive changes in our communities and in our personal lives. Moreover, their profound connection with God provides a model for spiritual depth and commitment that many seek to emulate.

As we reflect on the lessons from the prophets, we are reminded of the enduring power of faith and the impact that thoughtful, principled living can have on our world. Whether through personal reflection, community action, or spiritual practice, the teachings of the biblical prophets continue to offer valuable insights and inspiration for all who seek to live a life of meaning and purpose.

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