List Of Resurrections In The Bible

Resurrections in the Bible are times when someone who was dead came back to life. This is a special event because it shows the power of God. In the Bible, there are stories where people were brought back to life by God’s power. These stories are important because they help us understand that death is not the end and that God has control over life and death.

The Bible talks about different times when people were brought back to life. Some of these happened before Jesus, the Son of God, came to Earth, and some happened after. The most famous resurrection is that of Jesus Himself, which is a central belief in Christianity. This event shows that Jesus has power over death, which gives hope to all who believe in Him.

In this article, we will look at several examples of resurrections from the Bible. We will see how these events happened in both the Old Testament (the first part of the Bible) and the New Testament (the second part of the Bible). We will also talk about what these resurrections mean for people who believe in God today. Each part of the article will focus on different stories of resurrection and explain them in a simple way.

Old Testament Resurrections

In the Bible, the Old Testament tells stories from before Jesus was born. It includes a few special stories where people who had died were brought back to life. These stories show that God has power over life and death.

Elijah and the Widow’s Son

One of the first stories of someone being brought back to life is about a widow’s son in a place called Zarephath. The prophet Elijah was staying with the widow when her son got very sick and died. The widow was very upset and thought God was punishing her. But Elijah took the boy to an upper room, prayed to God, and laid on the boy three times. Suddenly, the boy started breathing again and came back to life. This miracle showed that God listens to prayers and can do impossible things like bringing someone back from the dead.

Elisha and the Shunammite’s Son

Another story is about Elisha, who was a follower of Elijah. He once helped a woman from Shunem who had always been kind to him. Elisha promised her that she would have a son, and she did. But a few years later, the boy suddenly died. The Shunammite woman went to find Elisha, who came back with her, prayed to God, and then lay on the boy. The boy warmed up, sneezed seven times, and opened his eyes. This story is another example of how God’s power can bring someone back to life through the prayers of His prophets.

A Man Revived by Elisha’s Bones

There’s also a very unusual story about Elisha after he had died. Elisha’s bones still had God’s power. One day, some people were burying a man, but they saw a band of raiders coming. In a hurry, they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s tomb. When the body touched Elisha’s bones, the man came back to life and stood up. This miracle showed that God’s power was so strong with Elisha that even his bones could bring someone back to life.

These stories from the Old Testament are important because they show that even before Jesus came, God had the power to raise people from the dead. This was a sign of hope and showed that God cares deeply for His people.

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New Testament Resurrections Before Jesus

In the New Testament, before Jesus himself was resurrected, he performed several miracles where he brought people back to life. These stories are very special because they show Jesus’ power and his compassion for people who were suffering.

Raising of Jairus’ Daughter

  1. Who was Jairus?
    Jairus was a leader in a synagogue. He came to Jesus because his only daughter, who was just 12 years old, was very sick and close to death.
  2. What did Jesus do?
  • Jesus went to Jairus’ house, even though people told him that the girl had already died.
  • He saw the girl, took her by the hand, and said, “Little girl, get up!.
  • The girl stood up and started walking around. This amazed everyone who saw it.

3.Why is this story important?
This miracle shows that Jesus has power over death, which gives hope to all who hear about it.

    Raising of the Widow of Nain’s Son

    A. The situation

    • Jesus came to a town called Nain.
    • He saw a funeral procession for a young man, the only son of a widow.

    B. Jesus’ response

    • Moved by compassion, Jesus touched the coffin and told the young man to rise.
    • The young man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.

    C. The impact

    • The people were amazed and praised God, saying, “A great prophet has risen among us!.
    • This story shows Jesus’ compassion and his ability to bring hope to those who are grieving.

    Raising of Lazarus


      • Lazarus, a friend of Jesus, had died and had been in a tomb for four days.

      2.The miracle

        • Despite the delay, Jesus went to the tomb and called Lazarus out.
        • Lazarus came out of the tomb, still wrapped in burial cloths.


          • This event showed that Jesus could conquer death, a sign of his divine power and a preview of his own resurrection.
          • It also led many to believe in Jesus, although it also increased the determination among some to oppose him.

          These stories from the New Testament illustrate not just the miracle of resurrection but also the deep compassion Jesus had for the suffering of others. Each resurrection brought not only the individual back to life but also brought hope and strengthened the faith of all who witnessed or heard about these miraculous events.

          The Resurrection of Jesus

          The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in Christianity. It is the foundation of Christian faith because it shows that Jesus has power over death. This event gives hope to all believers that death is not the end.

          How Jesus Was Resurrected

          1.The Crucifixion

            • Jesus was crucified and died on a cross. This was a sad day for his followers.

            2.The Burial

              • After Jesus died, his body was wrapped in linen and placed in a tomb. A big stone was rolled in front of the entrance.

              3.The Resurrection

                • On the third day after his death, Jesus came back to life. When some women came to the tomb, they found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty.
                • Jesus appeared to his followers several times after he was resurrected. He talked with them and ate with them, showing that he was truly alive.

                The Significance of Jesus’ Resurrection

                • Victory Over Death: Jesus’ resurrection shows that death is not the end. It gives believers hope that they too will be resurrected after they die.
                • Proof of Jesus’ Divinity: Coming back to life proves that Jesus is the Son of God. It shows that he has power over life and death.
                • Foundation of Christian Faith: The resurrection is central to Christianity. It is why Christians celebrate Easter and why they have faith in life after death.
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                The resurrection of Jesus is a key event that changed history. It is a story of hope, showing that love and life are stronger than death. For Christians, it is a promise that God has power over everything, even death, and that those who believe in Jesus will have eternal life.

                Other New Testament Resurrections

                After Jesus was resurrected, there were other amazing stories in the New Testament where people were brought back to life. These stories show that Jesus’ followers, filled with the Holy Spirit, also performed miracles.

                The Resurrection of Tabitha by Peter

                1.Who was Tabitha?

                  • Tabitha, also known as Dorcas, was a beloved woman in Joppa. She was known for her good deeds and helping the poor.

                  2.What happened to her?

                    • Tabitha got sick and died. Her friends prepared her body for burial and placed it in an upper room.

                    3.How was she brought back to life?

                      • The followers of Jesus in Joppa heard that Peter was nearby and asked him to come quickly.
                      • Peter went to the room where Tabitha’s body was. He sent everyone out, knelt down, prayed, and then said to her, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, saw Peter, and sat up.
                      • This miracle made many people in Joppa believe in Jesus.

                      Paul Resurrecting Eutychus

                      A. The incident

                      • Paul was speaking late into the night in a room on the third floor in Troas.
                      • A young man named Eutychus was sitting in a window and fell asleep. He fell three stories to the ground and was found dead.

                      B. The resurrection

                      • Paul went down, embraced Eutychus, and declared, “Don’t be alarmed, he’s alive!”
                      • Eutychus was brought back to life, which greatly comforted everyone.

                      C. The significance

                      • This event showed that the power of resurrection was not limited to Jesus. His apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, could also perform such miracles.
                      • It reinforced the belief in the early Christian community that Jesus’ power was working through his followers.

                      Saints Resurrected at Jesus’ Crucifixion

                      • A unique event: At the moment Jesus died, the Bible says that the graves opened, and many bodies of the saints who had died were raised to life.
                      • Appearing to many: After Jesus’ resurrection, these saints went into the holy city (Jerusalem) and appeared to many people.
                      • Symbolism: This event symbolized the victory over death that Jesus’ sacrifice brought. It showed that Jesus’ death and resurrection were not just for him but for all who believe in him.

                      These stories from the New Testament further illustrate the power of God working through Jesus and his followers. They serve as a testament to the belief that death is not the end and that through faith in Jesus, resurrection and eternal life are possible.

                      Future Resurrections Described in the Bible

                      The Bible not only talks about past resurrections but also describes future resurrections that are yet to happen. These events are significant as they represent the fulfillment of God’s promises and the ultimate victory over death.

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                      The Resurrection of the Church (Rapture)

                      What is the Rapture?

                        • The Rapture is a future event where all believers in Jesus Christ, both dead and alive, will be taken up to meet Him in the air. This event is meant to happen suddenly and unexpectedly.
                        1. Scriptural basis
                        • This event is described in the New Testament in books like 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. It says that the Lord will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then, those who are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds.


                          • The Rapture is significant because it represents the hope of eternal life and the belief that God will fulfill His promise to save His followers from the ultimate death.

                          The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses in Revelation

                          A. Who are the Two Witnesses?

                          • In the book of Revelation, two witnesses are described as God’s prophets who will preach and perform miracles for a specific period during the end times.

                          B. Their death and resurrection

                          • These witnesses will be killed, and their bodies will lie in a public space. However, after three and a half days, they will be resurrected and ascend to heaven in a cloud.

                          C. What this symbolizes

                          • Their resurrection symbolizes God’s power and the truth of His word. It also serves as a final testament to those who witness it about the power of God and the reality of resurrection.

                          The Resurrection of the Old Testament Saints and Martyrs

                          • Future promise
                          • The Bible speaks about a future resurrection for all the faithful who have died, including the saints of the Old Testament and the martyrs who died for their faith.
                          • Details in Scripture
                          • Daniel 12:2 mentions that those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life. Revelation also talks about the resurrection of those who were beheaded for their testimony about Jesus.
                          • Purpose
                          • This resurrection is meant to reward the faithful and to bring them into eternal life with God. It shows that all who have been faithful, despite suffering and death, will be raised to live forever with God.

                          These future resurrections are crucial in Christian theology as they affirm the belief in life after death and the ultimate justice and restoration that God promises to His followers. They provide comfort and hope to believers, emphasizing that their faith has a profound and eternal purpose.


                          The stories of resurrections in the Bible are not just ancient tales; they carry deep meanings and have a significant impact on believers’ lives today. These events highlight the power of God and offer a message of hope and renewal.

                          How Resurrections Show God’s Power

                          • Demonstration of Divine Authority: Each resurrection story, whether it’s Jesus raising Lazarus or Peter raising Tabitha, shows that God has ultimate control over life and death.
                          • Signs of God’s Compassion: These stories often occur in moments of great personal loss and suffering, showing God’s care and attention to the sorrows of individuals.
                          • piration to Live Righteously

                          In conclusion, the resurrections recorded in the Bible are foundational to Christian beliefs. They are not only historical events but also profound assurances of what God has planned for the future. For believers, these stories are a source of comfort and motivation, providing a steadfast hope in the promise of eternal life and the everlasting love of God.

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