List Of Clean And Unclean Animals In The Bible

In the Bible, God told Moses and Aaron the rules for which animals were “clean” and okay to eat. And which animals were “unclean” and not okay to eat.

The clean animals had to have two things. First, they had to have split hooves. This means their feet were divided into two toes. Second, they had to chew the cud. This means they chewed their food over and over again.

Animals that did not have both split hooves and chew the cud were called unclean. The people were not allowed to eat unclean animals. These rules came straight from God.

God gave these rules to the Israelites. The Israelites were the people God chose to have a special relationship with Him. By following the rules about clean and unclean animals, the Israelites were being obedient to God. They were doing what God said was right and good.

Examples of Clean Animals in the Bible

The Bible talks about many animals that were considered “clean” and okay for God’s people to eat. Here are some of the main groups of clean animals:

Land Animals

  • Animals that have split hooves and chew the cud were clean. This means:
  • Their hooves are divided into two parts
  • They eat grass and plants, swallow it, and then bring it back up to chew it again
  • Some examples of clean land animals are cows, sheep, goats, deer, and gazelle


  • Fish that have both fins and scales were considered clean to eat
  • Fins are the wing-like parts that help fish swim
  • Scales are the small, hard, rounded plates that cover the skin of fish
  • Some clean fish include salmon, cod, trout, tuna, and haddock


  • Most birds were considered clean, especially those that mainly eat plants and insects
  • Chickens, ducks, geese, doves, pigeons, and quail were all clean birds that could be eaten
  • Birds like eagles and vultures that eat dead animals were not clean


  • The Bible even says some insects were clean and could be eaten
  • Insects like locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers that hop with their legs were okay to eat
  • But insects that crawl on the ground with many legs were not clean

So in summary, God’s rules for clean animals included:

  • Land animals with split hooves that chew the cud
  • Fish with fins and scales
  • Most birds, except ones that eat mainly dead animals
  • Jumping insects like locusts and crickets

These animals were considered the healthiest and most suitable for God’s people to include in their diet. The rules helped keep them safe, healthy, and set apart as followers of God.

Examples of Unclean Animals in the Bible

Just as there were animals that were considered “clean” and okay to eat, the Bible also talks about animals that were “unclean” and not allowed to be eaten. Here are some of the main groups of unclean animals:

Land Animals

  • Animals that don’t have split hooves or don’t chew the cud were unclean. This includes:
  • Pigs – they have split hooves but don’t chew the cud
  • Rabbits and hares – they chew the cud but don’t have split hooves
  • Camels – they chew the cud but have feet with soft pads instead of hooves

Water Animals

  • Water animals without fins and scales were unclean. Some examples are:
  • Shellfish like lobster, crab, shrimp, and oysters
  • Eels and sharks – they have fins but no scales
  • Octopus and squid – they have neither fins nor scales
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  • Certain birds, mostly those that eat dead animals or garbage, were considered unclean. These include:
  • Eagles, vultures, and hawks
  • Owls and bats (though bats aren’t really birds)
  • Storks, herons, and pelicans

Small Animals

  • Many small animals that scurry along the ground were also unclean:
  • Rats and mice
  • Lizards and geckos
  • Snakes and worms

God’s people were not supposed to eat any of these unclean animals. They were to avoid them completely. Eating unclean animals or even touching their dead bodies would make a person unclean too.

Why Did God Make Rules About Clean and Unclean Animals?

You may wonder why God gave so many specific rules about what animals were clean and unclean to eat. There are a few key reasons behind these laws:

1) The rules showed the Israelites how to live holy lives set apart for God.

  • God wanted His people to be different from the nations around them
  • Following the clean and unclean rules was one way they could obey God’s commands
  • It was a daily reminder that they belonged to the one true God

2) Avoiding unclean animals kept the Israelites physically healthy.

  • Some of the forbidden animals can carry diseases that could make people very sick
  • For example, pigs can spread trichinosis, a illness caused by eating undercooked pork
  • The clean animal rules protected God’s people from potential sickness

3) The rules reminded the Israelites of their special relationship with God.

  • God chose the Israelites to be His treasured people out of all nations
  • The clean and unclean laws were part of the covenant or agreement God made with them
  • Obeying showed their love and loyalty to God as His set-apart people

When Did the Rules About Clean and Unclean Animals Start?

The rules about clean and unclean animals did not start all at once. They developed over time, even before God gave the full laws to Moses and the Israelites. Here’s a look at when these rules first came about:

Before the Flood

  • As early as Noah’s time, there was an understanding of clean and unclean animals
  • When God told Noah to bring animals on the ark, He instructed Noah to take more of the clean animals than the unclean ones
  • This implies the concept of some animals being acceptable and others being off-limits was already known

After the Flood

  • After the flood waters went down, God permitted Noah and his family to eat animal meat for the first time
  • However, God still made a distinction between animals that could and could not be eaten

The Laws Given to Moses

  • It was not until God gave the laws to Moses at Mount Sinai that the full clean and unclean rules were spelled out clearly
  • In Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, God lists out in detail which creatures were clean and which were unclean
  • These became official laws that the Israelites had to strictly follow as part of the covenant with God

So while the general idea of clean and unclean animals existed earlier, it was codified into written law and commandments through Moses. From that point on, the Israelites were expected to meticulously observe and uphold God’s standards for what animals could and could not be consumed as food.

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Do Christians Need to Follow the Rules About Clean and Unclean Animals?

The rules about clean and unclean animals were very important for the Israelites in the Old Testament. But what about Christians today? Do we still need to follow these same rules? The answer is no, and here’s why:

Jesus Declared All Foods Clean

  • In the New Testament, Jesus taught that it’s not what goes into a person’s mouth that makes them unclean, but what comes out of their heart
  • By saying this, Jesus was showing that the clean and unclean food laws were no longer necessary
  • Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfilled the Old Testament law and started a new covenant

Peter’s Vision

  • The apostle Peter also had a vision that confirmed this change
  • In the vision, God showed Peter a sheet filled with all kinds of animals, both clean and unclean
  • God told Peter to kill and eat the animals, but Peter said he couldn’t because some were unclean
  • God replied, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean”
  • This vision was a clear sign that the old clean and unclean rules no longer applied

Freedom in Christ

  • Because of Jesus, Christians are now free to eat any kind of meat without it being a sin
  • The New Testament teaches that we shouldn’t judge others for what they eat or don’t eat
  • What matters most is our faith in Christ, not following the old food laws

However, this doesn’t mean Christians should just eat whatever they want without any thought. The Bible also teaches that:

  • We should eat in a way that honors God and takes care of the bodies He gave us
  • If eating certain foods bothers our conscience or causes someone else to stumble, we should avoid it for their sake
  • We are free in Christ, but we should use our freedom to serve others in love

What Can We Learn From the Bible’s Clean and Unclean Animal Rules?

Even though the Old Testament rules about clean and unclean animals no longer apply directly to Christians today, there are still some valuable lessons we can learn from them:

1) God cares about what we eat and wants us to be healthy.

  • The clean animal rules protected the Israelites from getting sick by avoiding certain meats
  • Many of the forbidden animals can indeed carry diseases or parasites that are harmful if consumed
  • This shows God’s care for His people’s wellbeing and desire for them to have healthy practices

2) The Bible has wisdom about food that is still relevant today.

  • While the specific rules have changed, the Bible’s guidance on eating can still help us
  • It encourages moderation, avoiding gluttony, and being mindful of where our food comes from
  • The Bible’s principles about food can lead to balanced, ethical eating habits

3) As Christians, we have freedom but should be thoughtful about our diets.

  • We are not bound by strict food rules like the Old Testament laws
  • However, we shouldn’t just eat anything without considering our motivations and impacts
  • Our eating should reflect self-control, love for our bodies, care for the environment, and compassion

4) Our physical habits relate to our spiritual lives.

  • For the Israelites, obeying the food laws was tied to their covenant relationship with God
  • Today, how we steward our bodies can reflect the health of our faith
  • Practicing discipline over our diets can strengthen discipline in other areas of life
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How the Clean and Unclean Animal Rules Point to Jesus

The Old Testament laws about clean and unclean animals might seem strange or arbitrary at first. But when we look closer, we can see how they actually point forward to Jesus and His work on the cross. Here’s how:

Jesus is the Ultimate “Clean” Sacrifice

  • In the Old Testament, the Israelites had to offer animal sacrifices to atone for their sins
  • These sacrifices had to be pure and unblemished, usually from “clean” animals like lambs or doves
  • But these sacrifices were only temporary and had to be repeated over and over
  • Jesus became the ultimate, perfect sacrifice once and for all
  • His death on the cross was the “clean” offering that truly takes away our sins

Through Jesus, People of All Nations Can be Made “Clean”

  • The clean and unclean laws in the Old Testament separated the Israelites from the Gentiles (non-Jews)
  • Gentiles were seen as “unclean” because they didn’t follow God’s laws
  • But through faith in Jesus, people from all nations can be cleansed and made right with God
  • Jesus breaks down the barriers between Jews and Gentiles, making us all one in Him
  • No matter our background, we can be made “clean” in God’s sight through Christ

The Old Rules Were a Shadow of Greater Spiritual Truths

  • The clean and unclean animal laws were part of the Old Covenant system
  • They taught important lessons, but they were not the full picture
  • The New Testament calls these old laws a “shadow” of the greater realities found in Christ
  • The food rules pointed to the need for purity and holiness before God
  • But true purity comes not from avoiding certain foods, but from receiving Jesus’ cleansing grace

So while the clean and unclean animal laws might seem outdated or irrelevant to us today, they actually have a lot to teach us about Jesus. They remind us that:

  • We need a perfect, “clean” sacrifice to take away our sins
  • Faith in Jesus, not food rules, is what makes us acceptable to God
  • The Old Testament laws were signposts pointing to Jesus, who fulfills them all.


In conclusion, the Bible’s teachings about clean and unclean animals provide valuable insights, even though the specific laws no longer apply to Christians today. These rules:

  • Showed the Israelites how to live holy lives set apart for God
  • Kept God’s people physically healthy by avoiding certain disease-carrying animals
  • Reminded the Israelites of their special covenant relationship with God

While Jesus declared all foods clean, the principles behind the animal rules still offer wisdom. They reveal God’s care for our wellbeing, provide guidance on ethical eating practices, and illustrate how our physical habits relate to our spiritual lives.

Most profoundly, the clean and unclean laws pointed to the greater reality of Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate “clean” sacrifice, making people of all nations spiritually clean through faith in Him. The Old Testament rules were shadows of the purity and holiness we can only find in Jesus.

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