List Of People God Used In The Bible

In the Bible, God often chooses regular people to do amazing things. These stories show us that God has a plan and He can use anyone to carry it out. This article series will look at some of these people, from a shepherd boy who became a king to a simple fisherman who helped spread Jesus’ teachings around the world.

We will start by exploring why God picks certain people to use in His plans. Sometimes, these people are not who you would expect. They might be scared, young, or not very powerful at first. But God sees something special in them. He knows what they can become and how they can help others.

In this series, we will meet Moses, who was nervous about speaking but led his people to freedom. We will learn about David, who fought a giant when nobody else would. We will see how Esther, a queen, saved her people from danger. We will also discover how Paul, who once hurt Christians, became one of the most important messengers of Jesus.

Each story will show us important lessons. We will see that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what you have done, God can use you to do good things. These stories are not just old tales; they are lessons about trust, bravery, and doing the right thing.

Moses: The Reluctant Leader God Used to Free His People

Early Life and Calling

Moses was not born a leader. He started his life as a baby hidden in a basket on the river because the king of Egypt wanted to kill all baby boys from his people, the Israelites. Moses grew up in the king’s palace, but he never forgot where he came from. One day, he saw an Egyptian hurting an Israelite, and he stepped in to stop it, but he had to run away to a place called Midian because he was afraid of getting in trouble.

God Calls Moses

While in Midian, Moses was looking after sheep when something amazing happened. He saw a bush that was on fire but was not burning up. From this bush, God spoke to him. God told Moses to go back to Egypt to free the Israelites from being slaves. Moses was scared and did not think he could do it because he was not good at speaking. But God promised to help him and gave him signs to prove that God was with him.

Leading the Israelites

Moses went back to Egypt with his brother Aaron. He asked the Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, but Pharaoh said no. So, God sent ten terrible plagues to Egypt. After each plague, Moses asked again, and finally, after the last plague, Pharaoh let the Israelites go.

The Journey to Freedom

Leading the people out of Egypt was just the beginning. They had to travel through a desert to get to a land that God promised them. It was not easy. They had no food and water at times, and the people complained a lot. But Moses talked to God, and God provided food from the sky called manna and water from a rock. Moses also received the Ten Commandments from God during this journey, which were rules to help the people live good lives

Lessons from Moses’ Life

Moses’ life teaches us that you do not have to be perfect to do great things. God used Moses, a man who was not a good speaker and who made mistakes, to do something huge like freeing a whole nation. It shows that God can use anyone, even if they are scared or feel like they are not good enough.

Moses’ story is not just about a journey from slavery to freedom; it’s about trusting God and doing the right thing even when it’s hard. Moses had to trust God through each step, even when things looked impossible, like parting the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape from the Egyptian army.

In conclusion, Moses’ life is a powerful example of how God can take a regular person and use them to do extraordinary things. It encourages us to be brave and to trust that God can use us no matter our weaknesses.

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David: The Shepherd Boy Who Became a King

From Fields to Fame

David was just a young boy taking care of sheep when his life took a big turn. He was the youngest in his family, not someone people thought would become important. But God saw something special in David. A man named Samuel, who listened to God, went to David’s house and chose him to be the next king of Israel, even before he was a king.

David and Goliath: A Test of Faith

One of David’s most famous stories is when he fought a giant named Goliath. The Israelites were scared of Goliath because he was very big and strong. But David wasn’t scared. He knew God was with him. David took five smooth stones and a sling, and with just one stone, he hit Goliath and defeated him. This showed that it’s not about how big or strong you are, but how much you trust God.

Becoming King

After defeating Goliath, David became very popular, which made King Saul, the king at that time, jealous. David had to run away and hide for many years. But he never tried to hurt Saul, even when he had the chance. Eventually, David became king, just as God had promised. He was a great king who loved God and tried to follow Him, but he also made mistakes.

Lessons from David’s Life

David’s life teaches us several important lessons:

  • Trust in God: David showed that when you trust in God, you can face any challenge, no matter how big it seems.
  • Humility: Even when David became famous and powerful, he remembered that everything he had came from God.
  • Repentance: When David made mistakes, he asked God to forgive him. He knew he wasn’t perfect, but he always turned back to God.

David’s story is not just about a boy who became a king. It’s about faith, courage, and the heart. God didn’t choose David because he was strong or perfect. God chose him because of his heart. David loved God and wanted to do what was right. That’s what made him a great king.

I’m sorry for any confusion, but it seems there was a misunderstanding in my previous responses. Without specific search results or external sources to reference directly in this creative writing task, I’ll continue crafting the article based on the provided outlines and general knowledge.

Esther: The Queen Who Saved Her People

Esther’s Unexpected Rise to Queen

Esther was an ordinary Jewish girl who lived in Persia. Her story begins when she was chosen to be part of a group of women who could become the next queen of Persia. Esther was beautiful, but what made her special was her kind heart and wise mind. She found favor in the eyes of the king and was chosen to be queen. However, she kept her Jewish identity a secret, as advised by her cousin Mordecai.

A Brave Decision

A man named Haman, who was high up in the king’s court, made a plan to kill all the Jewish people in Persia because Mordecai refused to bow down to him. When Mordecai learned about this plan, he told Esther, and they both knew she was the only one who could try to stop it. But going to the king without being called could mean death, even for the queen.

Esther made a brave decision. She asked all the Jewish people to fast and pray with her for three days. Then, she went to the king. Thankfully, the king welcomed her and asked what she wanted. Esther invited the king and Haman to a special dinner where she would make her request.

Saving Her People

At the second dinner, Esther told the king about Haman’s plan to kill her people, including her, because she was Jewish. The king was angry at Haman and ordered that he be punished. Then, the king made a new rule that allowed the Jewish people to defend themselves. Esther’s bravery saved her people from being killed.

Lessons from Esther’s Story

Esther’s story teaches us about:

  • Courage: Esther was scared, but she did what was right, even when it was dangerous.
  • Wisdom: She made smart plans to save her people, like inviting the king and Haman to dinner.
  • Faith: Esther and her people prayed and fasted, showing their trust in God to save them.
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Esther’s story is not just about a queen who saved her people. It’s about being brave and standing up for what’s right, even when you’re scared. It shows that one person can make a big difference when they have courage and faith.

Paul: From Persecutor to Apostle

Paul’s Early Life and Conversion

Paul, originally known as Saul, was not always a follower of Jesus. In fact, he started out as a strong opponent of Christians. He was born in Tarsus and was well-educated in the law of the Jews. Saul believed he was doing the right thing by trying to stop Christians, even agreeing to their imprisonment and death.

One day, while traveling to Damascus to find and arrest more Christians, something extraordinary happened. A bright light from heaven suddenly flashed around him, and he fell to the ground. He heard a voice saying, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” It was Jesus speaking to him. This moment changed Saul’s life forever. He became blind from the light and had to be led into Damascus by the hand. After three days, a Christian named Ananias visited him, and Saul regained his sight and was baptized. From that moment, Saul, who would be known as Paul, dedicated his life to spreading the message of Jesus.

Spreading the Gospel

After his conversion, Paul became one of the most passionate and influential messengers of Christianity. He traveled across many countries, preaching about Jesus and setting up churches. His journeys were not easy. He faced many dangers like:

  1. Being put in jail several times.
  2. Getting beaten up.
  3. Surviving shipwrecks.
  4. Dealing with people who did not trust him or wanted to hurt him.

Despite all these challenges, Paul kept teaching people about Jesus. He wrote many letters to the churches he had helped start. These letters are now part of the New Testament in the Bible.

Key Teachings and Impact

Paul’s teachings focused on key points like:

  • Grace: Paul taught that salvation comes through God’s grace and not through following the law perfectly.
  • Faith: He emphasized that faith in Jesus is what makes a person right with God.
  • Unity: Paul believed that all people, Jews and non-Jews, are equal in God’s eyes and can be part of God’s family.

Paul’s work helped spread Christianity far and wide, making it a major religion in the world.

Lessons from Paul’s Life

Paul’s life teaches us about:

  • Transformation: His life is a powerful example of how someone can change completely. It shows that no matter your past, you can start anew.
  • Dedication: Paul’s dedication to his mission, despite hardships, teaches us about the power of commitment and perseverance.
  • Forgiveness: Paul was forgiven for his past actions against Christians, which shows that forgiveness is possible for everyone.

Mary: The Mother of Jesus and Her Faithful Obedience

Mary’s Role and Response to God’s Call

Mary was a young woman from Nazareth who played a crucial role in the Bible as the mother of Jesus. Her story begins when an angel named Gabriel visited her. He told her that she would have a son named Jesus, and he would be very special because he would be the Son of God. Mary was surprised because she was not married yet, but she showed great faith. She said yes to God’s plan, even though she knew it could be very hard for her.

Supporting Jesus in His Ministry

Mary was not just important at the beginning of Jesus’ life; she was there during his ministry too. She was present at several key moments:

  • At a wedding in Cana: When they ran out of wine, Mary asked Jesus to help, leading to his first miracle.
  • Throughout his teachings: Mary followed Jesus and supported him as he traveled and taught people.
  • At the cross: Mary was there when Jesus was crucified, showing her love and support even in the hardest times.

Lessons from Mary’s Life

Mary’s life teaches us about:

  • Faith: She believed in God’s plan for her without knowing all the details.
  • Courage: She faced social challenges and personal fears but remained strong.
  • Support: Mary was a constant source of love and support for her son, showing the importance of family and encouragement.
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Mary’s story is not just about being the mother of Jesus. It’s about her incredible faith and the way she lived her life with courage and love. She trusted God completely and supported her son in his mission, even when it was difficult.

The Impact of Mary’s Faith

Mary’s faith had a big impact on the early Christian community and continues to inspire millions of people around the world. Her willingness to accept God’s plan and support her son teaches us the power of unconditional love and faith. Mary shows us that:

  1. Trusting in God can lead to great things, even if we don’t understand everything at first.
  2. Being supportive and loving is crucial, especially to family and those we care about.
  3. Courage and faith go hand in hand and can help us through tough times.

Joseph: The Dreamer Who Saved Nations

Early Life and Challenges

Joseph was one of twelve brothers, and he was his father’s favorite. This made his brothers very jealous. Joseph also had special dreams that showed he would become very important, and this made his brothers dislike him even more. One day, they decided to get rid of him. They threw him into a pit and then sold him as a slave to traders going to Egypt.

Rising to Power in Egypt

Even as a slave and later a prisoner in Egypt, Joseph did not give up. He always worked hard and was honest. God was with him, and he was given the ability to understand dreams. When Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had some dreams that no one could explain, Joseph was called to help. He told Pharaoh that the dreams meant there would be seven years of plenty of food followed by seven years of famine. Joseph’s ability to interpret the dreams and his ideas on how to prepare for the famine impressed Pharaoh so much that he made Joseph the second most powerful man in Egypt.

Saving His Family and Many Others

When the famine came, it was not just Egypt that suffered but also the land where Joseph’s family lived. Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to buy food, not knowing that the brother they had sold into slavery was now in charge of all the food. Joseph eventually revealed himself to his brothers, but instead of seeking revenge, he forgave them. He understood that what they did was part of a bigger plan that God had for him to save many people from starving.

Lessons from Joseph’s Life

Joseph’s story teaches us about:

  • Resilience: Despite being sold into slavery and imprisoned, Joseph never lost faith and continued to work hard.
  • Forgiveness: He forgave his brothers for their terrible actions against him.
  • Wisdom: Joseph used his wisdom to save not only Egypt but also his own family and many others from famine.

Joseph’s life is a powerful example of how staying faithful and forgiving, even in tough times, can lead to great things. It shows that:

  1. Bad things can lead to good outcomes if we keep faith and work hard.
  2. Forgiveness is powerful. It can change lives and heal relationships.
  3. Wisdom and planning are important. Joseph’s planning saved many lives during the famine.


Throughout this series, we’ve explored the lives of several ordinary people from the Bible who were used by God to do extraordinary things. Each of these individuals—Moses, David, Esther, Paul, Mary, and Joseph—showed unique qualities and faced different challenges, but they all had a few things in common: faith, courage, and a willingness to follow God’s plan.

These stories teach us that God doesn’t always choose the most obvious candidates to carry out His work. Instead, He often picks ordinary people, like you and me, to fulfill His plans. Here’s how their stories inspire us:

In conclusion, the lives of these biblical figures remind us that ordinary people can make an extraordinary difference when they are willing to let God work through them. Let these stories inspire you to embrace your potential and contribute to making the world a better place.

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