List Of Good And Bad Kings In The Bible

In the Bible, there are many stories about kings. Some of these kings were good, and some were bad. The Bible is a very old book that many people read to learn about history and lessons on how to live. It talks about different leaders who ruled over Israel and Judah, two ancient places. These stories are not just old tales; they teach us about right and wrong and show us how leaders can affect their people.

The Bible first tells us about kings during the time of a prophet named Samuel. This was a long time ago, around the 11th century BC. People in Israel asked God for a king because they wanted to be like other countries that had kings. Even though God didn’t think this was the best idea, he listened to the people and gave them a king.

The first king was Saul, followed by many others like David and Solomon. After Solomon, the kingdom split into two parts: Israel and Judah. Each part had its own kings. For example, Israel had kings like Ahab and Jeroboam, while Judah had kings like Hezekiah and Josiah. Some of these kings, like David and Hezekiah, were good because they followed God and made wise decisions. Others, like Ahab and Jeroboam, were bad because they did not follow God and made poor choices that hurt their people.

The stories of these kings are important because they show us how good leadership can bring peace and happiness, while bad leadership can cause trouble and sadness. By learning about these kings, we can understand more about how to be good leaders ourselves and how our choices can affect others around us. This series of articles will go through the stories of these kings, looking at what they did and what we can learn from them.

List Of Good And Bad Kings In The Bible

Here is a table summarizing the good and bad kings of Judah and Israel mentioned in the provided sources:

KingJudah or IsraelGood or BadReason for Classification
AsaJudahGoodServed the true God of Israel, broke down idols, and commanded the people to seek the Lord
HezekiahJudahGoodPious and one of the best kings of Judah
ManassehJudahGoodRepented and returned to serving the Lord after being imprisoned and exiled
JehoshaphatIsraelGoodFearing the Lord and doing what was pleasing to Him
JothamJudahGoodFearing the Lord and doing what was pleasing to Him
JosiahJudahGoodFearing the Lord and doing what was pleasing to Him
RehoboamJudahBadIdol worshiper
AbijahJudahBadIdol worshiper
Manasseh (initially)JudahBadStarted as an evil king, turned the heart of the kingdom to idolatry, and shed innocent blood
JehoashJudahBadForsook the one true God of Israel for foreign gods and idols
AmaziahJudahBadForsook the one true God of Israel for foreign gods and idols
List Of Good And Bad Kings In The Bible

Please note that this table only includes the kings mentioned in the provided sources and may not be an exhaustive list of all good and bad kings in the Bible.

The Good Kings – Part 1

In the Bible, some kings did great things and are remembered as good kings. These kings followed God and made decisions that helped their people. Let’s talk about two of these good kings: King David and King Solomon.

King David: A Man After God’s Own Heart

King David is one of the most famous kings in the Bible. Before he became king, David was a shepherd boy who fought a giant named Goliath and won. This showed that he was brave and trusted God.

  1. Becoming King: After Saul, the first king of Israel, David became king. He is known for being a great leader and warrior.
  2. Loves God: David loved God very much. He wrote many songs called Psalms, which are in the Bible. These songs talk about his love and trust in God.
  3. Made Mistakes: Even though David was a good king, he made mistakes. For example, he took someone else’s wife, which was wrong. But when he realized his mistake, he said sorry to God. This shows that even good people can make mistakes, but saying sorry is important.

David is remembered as a “man after God’s own heart” because he always tried to follow God, even when he made mistakes.

King Solomon: Wisdom and Wealth

King Solomon was King David’s son. He is famous for being very wise and for building a beautiful temple for God in Jerusalem.

  1. Asking for Wisdom: When God asked Solomon what he wanted, Solomon asked for wisdom to lead his people well. This pleased God, so God made Solomon very wise and also gave him wealth and power.
  2. Building the Temple: Solomon built a magnificent temple for God. It was a place where people came to worship God. This showed that Solomon cared about honoring God.
  3. Wisdom and Mistakes: Solomon wrote many proverbs, which are wise sayings in the Bible. But, like his father David, Solomon also made mistakes. He married many women who worshipped different gods, and this led him away from God.
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Key Lessons:

  • Following God: Both David and Solomon show us that following God and asking for His guidance is important.
  • Making Mistakes: They also teach us that everyone makes mistakes, but what matters is how we respond to those mistakes.

David and Solomon were good kings because they loved and followed God. They teach us about the importance of seeking God’s wisdom and learning from our mistakes. In the next article, we will learn about more good kings and what made them stand out.

The Good Kings – Part 2

Continuing our journey through the Bible, we find more examples of good kings who led their people with wisdom and faith. Let’s explore the stories of King Josiah and King Hezekiah, two kings who made a big difference in their kingdom by choosing to follow God.

King Josiah: The Young Reformer

King Josiah became king when he was just a boy, only eight years old. Despite his young age, he grew up to be one of the most righteous kings in the Bible.

  1. Finding the Book of the Law: When Josiah was king, a high priest found the Book of the Law in the temple. This book had been lost for many years. When Josiah heard the words of the book, he realized that his people were not following God’s commands.
  2. Leading Reforms: Josiah decided to change this. He destroyed all the idols and places where people worshipped other gods. He wanted his people to worship only the true God.
  3. Celebrating Passover: Josiah also celebrated Passover, a special holiday to remember how God saved the Israelites from Egypt. This was the first time in many years that Passover was celebrated properly.

Josiah is remembered for his dedication to God and for making big changes to bring his people back to God.

King Hezekiah: Trust in God

King Hezekiah was another good king who trusted God during difficult times. He is known for his faith and his efforts to clean his kingdom of idolatry.

  1. Cleaning the Kingdom: Like Josiah, Hezekiah removed places of idol worship from Judah. He wanted his people to worship only God.
  2. Trusting God During a Siege: When the Assyrian army surrounded Jerusalem, Hezekiah did not give up. Instead, he prayed to God for help. God answered his prayer, and the Assyrian army left without attacking the city.
  3. Extending His Life: Hezekiah was very sick at one point, and it seemed he would die. But he prayed to God, and God gave him 15 more years to live. This showed that God listened to Hezekiah because of his faith.

Key Lessons:

  • Faith in Difficult Times: Hezekiah shows us that even when things look bad, trusting in God can make a big difference.
  • The Importance of Worshiping Only God: Both Josiah and Hezekiah worked hard to make sure their people worshipped only the true God.

Josiah and Hezekiah were great examples of good kings who loved God and led their people to do the same. They show us the importance of following God’s commands and trusting Him in every situation. Their stories teach us that no matter how young or old we are, we can make a positive impact by choosing to follow God. In the next articles, we will look at kings who made different choices and see what we can learn from them.

The Bad Kings – Part 1

In the Bible, not all kings did what was right. Some kings made bad choices that led their people away from God. These bad kings often forgot about God and did things that hurt their people. Let’s talk about two of these kings: King Ahab and King Manasseh.

King Ahab: The Idol Worshipper

King Ahab is known as one of the most evil kings in the Bible. He ruled over Israel and made many bad decisions that led his people to do wrong things.

  1. Marriage to Jezebel: Ahab married Jezebel, a princess from a different country who worshipped Baal, a false god. Jezebel influenced Ahab, and soon he was worshipping Baal too.
  2. Building a Temple for Baal: Ahab built a temple in Israel for people to worship Baal. This made God very unhappy because God wants people to worship only Him.
  3. Fighting with God’s Prophets: Ahab didn’t like God’s prophets because they told him he was doing wrong. He especially had trouble with a prophet named Elijah, who showed that God is more powerful than Baal.
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Ahab’s choices show us how following the wrong path can lead to trouble not just for a king but for all his people.

King Manasseh: A Tale of Repentance

King Manasseh was another king who started off doing very bad things but ended his story differently.

  1. Evil Acts: Manasseh became king after his father, Hezekiah, who was a good king. But Manasseh did the opposite of his father. He worshipped idols and even put an idol in God’s temple.
  2. Captivity and Repentance: Because of his bad actions, Manasseh was captured by the Assyrians and taken away. While he was in trouble, he remembered God and prayed for help. God listened to Manasseh and helped him return to his kingdom.
  3. Changes After Repentance: When Manasseh came back, he was a changed man. He removed the idols from the temple and tried to lead his people back to God.

Manasseh’s story is important because it shows that even if someone does bad things, they can change and make things right if they truly are sorry and turn back to God.

Key Lessons:

  • The Danger of Idolatry: Both Ahab and Manasseh show us how worshipping false gods can lead to many problems.
  • The Power of Repentance: Manasseh’s story teaches us that it’s never too late to say sorry and make things right with God.

The stories of Ahab and Manasseh remind us that bad choices can have serious consequences. But they also show us that change is possible if we turn back to God. In the next article, we will learn about more kings who made bad choices and see what lessons we can learn from their stories.

The Bad Kings – Part 2

Continuing our look at the bad kings in the Bible, we find more examples of leaders who made poor choices that led their people away from God. In this part, we will discuss King Jeroboam and King Rehoboam, whose actions caused big problems for the kingdom.

King Jeroboam: The Kingdom Divider

King Jeroboam became the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel after the united kingdom split. His reign is marked by decisions that led to division and idolatry.

  1. Dividing the Kingdom: After Solomon’s death, the kingdom split into two: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Jeroboam ruled over Israel.
  2. Golden Calves: To keep his people from going to Jerusalem in Judah to worship, Jeroboam made two golden calves and told his people to worship these idols instead. This was a big mistake because it went against God’s command to worship only Him.
  3. Conflict with Prophets: Like Ahab, Jeroboam also had conflicts with God’s prophets, who warned him that his idol worship was wrong.

Jeroboam’s actions show how trying to control people with wrong methods can lead to more problems.

King Rehoboam: The Unwise

King Rehoboam was Solomon’s son who ruled over the southern kingdom of Judah. His poor decision-making at the beginning of his reign led to the division of the kingdom.

  1. Harsh Policies: When Rehoboam became king, the people asked him to make their work easier. Instead, he threatened to make their lives harder than they were under his father Solomon. This angered the people.
  2. Kingdom Splits: Because of his harsh response, ten of the twelve tribes refused to follow him and chose Jeroboam as their king, leading to the split of the kingdom.
  3. Ignoring Wise Counsel: Rehoboam ignored the advice of older, wiser advisors who suggested he be kind to the people. Instead, he listened to his young friends who advised him to be tough.

Rehoboam’s story teaches us the importance of listening to wise counsel and being kind to those you lead.

Key Lessons:

  • Consequences of Poor Leadership: Both Jeroboam and Rehoboam show how bad decisions can lead to division and suffering.
  • Importance of Wise Decision-Making: Their stories highlight the need for leaders to make decisions that are good for all people, not just themselves.

The tales of Jeroboam and Rehoboam are cautionary stories about the dangers of poor leadership. They remind us that our choices have impacts on others and that leading with wisdom and kindness is crucial. In the next articles, we will explore the lessons we can learn from both the good and bad kings, helping us understand how to apply these lessons in our own lives.

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Lessons from Good Kings

Learning from the good kings in the Bible can help us understand how to lead and live better. These kings showed qualities like faith, obedience, wisdom, and justice. Let’s explore these lessons and see how they can apply to our lives today.

Faith and Obedience

The good kings believed in God and followed His commands, even when it was hard. Their faith and obedience brought blessings to their kingdoms.

1.King David’s Trust in God:

  • As a young shepherd, David trusted God to protect him from a lion and a bear.
  • He faced the giant Goliath with just a sling and a few stones, believing God would help him win.

2.King Hezekiah’s Prayer:

  • When his city was under attack, Hezekiah prayed instead of giving up.
  • God answered his prayers by protecting the city from the enemy.

These stories teach us that trusting and obeying God can lead to great victories and protection.

Wisdom and Justice

Good kings not only followed God but also used wisdom and justice in ruling their people. They made fair decisions that helped everyone.

  1. King Solomon’s Wisdom:
  • Solomon is famous for his wise decision between two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby. He suggested cutting the baby in half, knowing the real mother would rather give her baby up than see him hurt.
  • His wisdom made him a respected leader not just in his own country but also by other nations.

2.King Josiah’s Reforms:

  • Josiah found the Book of the Law and realized his kingdom was not following it.
  • He made reforms to bring his people back to God’s ways, showing his commitment to justice and right living.

These examples show how wisdom and fairness are important for good leadership.

Key Lessons:

  • Trust in God: Like David and Hezekiah, trusting in God can guide us through tough times.
  • Wise Decisions: Like Solomon, using wisdom can help solve problems and earn respect.
  • Fairness: Like Josiah, being fair and just can lead to positive changes in our communities.

The good kings of the Bible teach us valuable lessons about living and leading well. By following their examples of faith, obedience, wisdom, and justice, we can make a positive impact in our own lives and the lives of others around us. These stories encourage us to seek God’s guidance and strive to do what is right.

Lessons from Bad Kings

Studying the bad kings in the Bible helps us learn what not to do. These kings made mistakes like idolatry and ignoring good advice, which led to problems for themselves and their people. Let’s look at these lessons more closely.

The Dangers of Idolatry

Idolatry, or worshiping false gods, was a common mistake among the bad kings. This led them away from God and brought many troubles.

1.King Ahab and Idol Worship:

  • Ahab built a temple for Baal and encouraged his people to worship this false god.
  • This angered God and led to a severe drought as a consequence, which hurt the land and the people.

2.King Manasseh’s Idols:

  • Manasseh placed an idol in the very temple of God, showing a great disrespect to God.
  • His actions brought about his capture and imprisonment, though he later repented and changed his ways.

These stories teach us that turning away from true values and following false beliefs can have serious negative effects.

Ignoring Wise Counsel

Another mistake was not listening to good advice. This often made small problems much bigger.

1.King Rehoboam’s Decision:

  • Rehoboam ignored the advice of older, experienced advisors who told him to be kind to his people.
  • Instead, he listened to his young friends who advised him to be harsh, leading to the split of the kingdom.

2.King Jeroboam’s Poor Choices:

  • Jeroboam ignored the warnings of prophets sent by God, who told him to turn away from idol worship.
  • His refusal to listen led to ongoing conflicts and eventually the downfall of his kingdom.

These examples show how important it is to listen to wise counsel and consider it carefully.

Key Lessons:

  • Avoid False Beliefs: Like Ahab and Manasseh, we see that following false beliefs can lead to personal and communal harm.
  • Value Good Advice: Like Rehoboam and Jeroboam, we learn that ignoring good advice can lead to disaster.

The bad kings of the Bible provide clear examples of what happens when leaders make poor choices. By learning from their mistakes, we can avoid similar pitfalls in our own lives. These stories encourage us to stay true to good values and listen to wise advice, helping us make better decisions that benefit everyone.


In this series, we’ve looked at the stories of many kings from the Bible. These stories are not just old tales; they teach us about leadership, choices, and their impacts. Let’s reflect on what we’ve learned and how these lessons can help us today.

Studying these kings teaches us about the power of choices and the importance of good leadership. By learning from the past, we can make better decisions that lead to a better future for ourselves and others. These stories encourage us to seek wisdom, act justly, and lead with kindness, just as the best kings did.

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