List of Women in the Bible in Chronological Order

Eve was the very first woman that God made. He created her to be a special friend and helper for Adam, the first man. Adam and Eve lived together in a beautiful place called the Garden of Eden. It was a wonderful garden filled with many trees and plants. God told them they could eat fruit from any tree in the garden, except for one called the Tree of Knowledge. This tree had fruit that God said they should never eat.

One day, a sneaky snake came into the garden. The snake told Eve that it was okay to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. The snake said that God didn’t want them to eat it because then they would know as much as God did. Eve listened to the snake and decided to try the fruit. She took a bite and then gave some to Adam to eat too.

As soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they realized they had made a big mistake. They knew that they had disobeyed God and done something wrong. They felt ashamed and tried to hide from God. When God found out what they had done, He was very sad and disappointed. Adam and Eve had to leave the beautiful Garden of Eden and go live somewhere else as punishment for not following God’s rule.

Even though Adam and Eve made a mistake, God still loved them very much. He promised that one day He would send someone special to help make things right again between God and all people. That someone special was Jesus, God’s own Son, who would come to Earth much later.

Eve is important because she was the first woman and the mother of everyone who has ever lived. Her story teaches us that it’s always best to obey God and do what He says, even when we don’t fully understand why. It also shows us that even when we make mistakes, God never stops loving us and wanting to help us do better.

Women of the Patriarchs: Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah

The Bible tells us about four very important women who lived long ago. They were the wives of the patriarchs, which means the fathers of the families that started the nation of Israel.


Sarah was married to Abraham. For many years, Sarah could not have any children. But God promised Abraham that he would become the father of a great nation. Finally, when Sarah was very old, God gave her and Abraham a son named Isaac.

  • Sarah had to wait a very long time for God’s promise to come true
  • She laughed when she first heard God’s promise because it seemed impossible
  • But Sarah learned that God can do anything, even miracles


Rebekah was Isaac’s wife. She helped her son Jacob trick his father Isaac so Jacob could get the special blessing instead of his brother Esau.

  • Rebekah showed she was clever and wanted to help her favorite son
  • But she also did something dishonest by tricking Isaac
  • Her actions caused problems between Jacob and Esau

Rachel and Leah

Rachel and Leah were the two wives of Jacob. They were sisters. Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. This made Leah very sad. Rachel could not have children at first, but Leah had many sons.

  • Rachel was jealous of Leah because Leah could have children
  • Leah was sad because her husband loved her sister more
  • Their story shows the troubles that can happen with multiple wives

Moses’ Mother and Sister: Jochebed and Miriam

In the Bible, we learn about a special baby named Moses. His mother and sister played important roles in his life and in God’s plan for His people.

Jochebed’s Brave Act

  • Moses was born during a time when the king of Egypt was afraid of the Israelites
  • The king ordered all baby boys to be thrown into the river
  • Jochebed wanted to save her baby, so she made a basket and put Moses in it
  • She placed the basket in the river, trusting God to protect him
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Jochebed was very brave. She risked getting in trouble to keep her baby safe. She showed great faith in God by trusting Him to take care of Moses.

Miriam’s Help and Leadership

  • Miriam was Moses’ older sister
  • She watched over the basket to see what would happen to her baby brother
  • When the princess found Moses, Miriam offered to find a nurse for the baby
  • Miriam brought Jochebed to the princess, so Moses’ mother could care for him

Miriam was smart and quick-thinking. She helped make sure her brother was safe and cared for. Later in the Bible, we learn that Miriam became a leader and a prophetess among the Israelites.

  • She led the women in worship after God helped them escape from Egypt
  • But one time, Miriam complained about Moses and God was not happy with her
  • As a result, Miriam got sick for a while to teach her a lesson

Women in the Time of the Judges: Deborah, Jael, and Delilah

After Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they lived in the Promised Land. During this time, God chose special leaders called judges to help guide and protect His people. Some of these judges were women who did important things.

Deborah: A Wise Judge and Prophetess

  • Deborah was a wise woman who served as a judge for Israel
  • People would come to her for help in making decisions and solving problems
  • God also gave Deborah messages to share with His people, making her a prophetess
  • She helped lead the Israelites in a battle against their enemies

Deborah was respected for her wisdom and leadership. She showed that God can use women to do great things and guide His people.

Jael: A Brave Woman

  • During a time of war, a man named Sisera was leading an army against Israel
  • Sisera ran away from the battle and went to Jael’s tent to hide
  • Jael invited him in and gave him a place to rest
  • While Sisera was sleeping, Jael took a tent peg and hammer and killed him

Jael was very brave. She saw a chance to help Israel by defeating their enemy. Her actions showed that God can use anyone, even in unexpected ways, to accomplish His plans.

Delilah: A Woman Who Betrayed a Hero

  • Samson was a strong man chosen by God to lead Israel
  • He fell in love with a woman named Delilah
  • Samson’s enemies told Delilah to find out the secret of his strength
  • Delilah tricked Samson and cut his hair, which made him weak

Delilah’s story is a sad one. She was not loyal to Samson and helped his enemies hurt him. Her actions remind us that we should be careful about who we trust and always try to do what is right.

Women in the Kingdom Era: Abigail, Bathsheba, and the Queen of Sheba

During the time when Israel had kings, there were some important women who played a part in the lives of these rulers. Their stories teach us valuable lessons about wisdom, forgiveness, and seeking knowledge.

Abigail: A Woman of Wisdom

  • Abigail was married to a man named Nabal who was mean and foolish
  • When King David and his men were nearby, Nabal refused to help them
  • Abigail heard about this and quickly gathered food and supplies for David
  • She apologized for her husband’s behavior and asked David to forgive him

Abigail’s quick thinking and wise actions stopped David from attacking Nabal and his people. Later, when Nabal died, David remembered Abigail’s kindness and married her.

Bathsheba: A Story of Sin and Forgiveness

  • Bathsheba was a beautiful woman who was married to a soldier named Uriah
  • One day, King David saw Bathsheba and wanted her to be his wife
  • David had Uriah sent to a dangerous battle where he was killed
  • God was not happy with what David had done and sent the prophet Nathan to confront him
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David realized he had sinned and asked God for forgiveness. Despite the mistakes David and Bathsheba made, God still used them in His plan. Their son, Solomon, would become the next king of Israel.

The Queen of Sheba: Seeking Wisdom

  • The Queen of Sheba heard about King Solomon’s wisdom and wanted to learn from him
  • She traveled a long way to visit Solomon and asked him many questions
  • The Queen was amazed by Solomon’s wisdom and knowledge
  • She praised God for making Solomon such a wise king

The Queen of Sheba’s story shows us the importance of seeking wisdom and learning from others. Her visit to Solomon also reminds us that God’s wisdom is greater than any human knowledge.

Women in the Exile and Return: Esther, Jehosheba, and Huldah

During a time when the Israelites were living in other countries, God used several brave women to protect His people and help them return to their homeland.

Esther: A Queen Who Saved Her People

  • Esther was a Jewish girl who became the queen of Persia
  • When a bad man named Haman made a plan to hurt the Jewish people, Esther knew she had to help
  • She bravely went to the king and told him about Haman’s evil plan
  • The king listened to Esther and punished Haman, saving the Jewish people

Esther’s courage and faith in God helped her protect her people. She reminds us that God can use us to do important things, even when we are afraid.

Jehosheba: Protecting the King’s Son

  • Jehosheba was a princess in Judah during a time of trouble
  • The queen, Athaliah, was trying to kill all the members of the royal family
  • Jehosheba hid her nephew, Joash, who was just a baby
  • She kept Joash safe until he was old enough to become the rightful king

Jehosheba’s bravery and quick thinking helped protect the future king of Judah. Her actions show us the importance of standing up for what is right and protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

Huldah: A Prophetess with a Message

  • Huldah was a prophetess who lived in Jerusalem
  • When King Josiah found an important scroll with God’s laws, he sent messengers to ask Huldah what it meant
  • Huldah explained that the people had not been following God’s laws and that there would be consequences
  • She also told the king that because he had humbled himself before God, he would not see the trouble that was coming

Huldah’s words helped King Josiah lead the people of Judah back to following God. Her story teaches us the importance of listening to God’s messages and obeying His commands.

Women in the New Testament: Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna

In the New Testament, we learn about several women who played important roles in the life of Jesus and the early church.

Mary: The Mother of Jesus

  • Mary was a young woman who lived in Nazareth
  • An angel visited Mary and told her that she would have a special baby, the Son of God
  • Mary trusted God and agreed to be Jesus’ mother
  • She cared for Jesus as He grew up and supported Him in His ministry

Mary’s faith and obedience to God are an example for all of us. She faced many challenges as Jesus’ mother but always trusted in God’s plan.

Elizabeth: A Miracle Baby

  • Elizabeth was Mary’s relative and was married to a priest named Zechariah
  • Elizabeth was very old and had never been able to have children
  • God blessed Elizabeth and Zechariah with a miracle baby, John the Baptist
  • When Mary visited Elizabeth, the baby inside Elizabeth jumped for joy, recognizing Jesus in Mary’s womb
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Elizabeth’s story reminds us that nothing is impossible with God. He can do amazing things in our lives, just like He did for Elizabeth.

Anna: A Faithful Servant

  • Anna was a very old woman who lived in the temple in Jerusalem
  • She had been married for only seven years before her husband died
  • After that, Anna stayed in the temple, worshipping God day and night
  • When Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to the temple, Anna recognized Him as the Savior and thanked God

Anna’s dedication to God and her faithfulness in prayer are an inspiration to us all. She shows us the importance of spending time with God and being ready to recognize His work in our lives.

Women Followers of Jesus: Mary Magdalene, Martha, and the Samaritan Woman

During His time on Earth, Jesus had many followers, including several women who showed great faith and devotion to Him. Here are three of those women and their stories.

Mary Magdalene

  • Mary Magdalene traveled with Jesus and His disciples
  • The Bible tells us that Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary
  • She stood by Jesus during His crucifixion when many others had left Him
  • After Jesus rose from the dead, He first appeared to Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ most loyal followers. She bravely stayed with Him during His suffering and was rewarded by being the first to see the risen Lord.


  • Martha and her sister Mary lived in the town of Bethany
  • They were close friends of Jesus and He often visited their home
  • One day, Martha became worried about preparing food while Mary sat listening to Jesus
  • Jesus gently reminded Martha that listening to His teachings was most important

While Martha was distracted by her work, her sister Mary chose to focus on Jesus’ words. This story encourages us to make time for what really matters – learning from Jesus.

The Samaritan Woman

  • Jesus was traveling and stopped at a well in Samaria to rest
  • A Samaritan woman came to draw water from the well
  • Jesus spoke to her and shared truth about God and salvation
  • The woman believed in Jesus and told others in her town about Him

At that time, Jews and Samaritans did not get along. But Jesus showed His love for all people by reaching out to this Samaritan woman. Her story reminds us to share the good news of Jesus with everyone.


In conclusion, the Bible tells us about many remarkable women who played significant roles in God’s plan. From Eve, the first woman, to the women who followed Jesus, each of their stories teaches us valuable lessons about faith, obedience, wisdom, and courage.

We learned about the matriarchs Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah, who faced challenges but trusted in God’s promises. We saw the bravery of Moses’ mother Jochebed and his sister Miriam. During the time of the judges, women like Deborah and Jael showed leadership and courage, while Delilah’s story warned us about the consequences of betrayal.

In the era of the kings, Abigail’s wisdom, Bathsheba’s story of sin and forgiveness, and the Queen of Sheba’s quest for knowledge taught us important life lessons. During the exile and return, Esther, Jehosheba, and Huldah demonstrated faith and boldness in the face of adversity.

Finally, in the New Testament, we encountered women like Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna, who had special connections to Jesus and played crucial roles in His life and ministry. The stories of Mary Magdalene, Martha, and the Samaritan woman showed us the transformative power of faith and the importance of sharing Jesus’ message.

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